Chapter 2

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"What. The. Fuck. Quirrel."

"I played a draw four. What more is there?"

"I was fucking winning!" Tiso yelled.

"And I played a card. I would have to play it eventually, I just played it when it seemed the most strategic." Quirrel answered.

"You have won every single round! Couldn't you have waited?!"

"You usually get mad when I go easy on you." Quirrel shrugged.

Tiso knew that was true, but he would never admit it out loud.

"But- but this is just disrespectful! This is betrayal!"

"Tiso, you're being a sore loser."

"That's what kindergarteners say!" Tiso argued.

"And you are acting like one." Quirrel shot back.

Tiso grumbled at that. Quirrel was right. He was acting irrational. But he didn't fucking care right now. He wanted revenge. He had been so close to winning. And then stupid Quirrel had to play a stupid draw four and win the stupid fucking game. Tiso could feel his blood boiling, feel his face turning red with pure rage. And Quirrel had a smirk on his face.




This shouldn't have made Tiso so angry. But it did. It made him want to punch Quirrel's stupid, smug, face.

Usually, Quirrel was so nice and happy and...sort of adorable.
But with Uno? Quirrel was a monster.

Tiso couldn't remember a single time where he'd won against Quirrel. Guess being a literal genius comes in handy during strategic games.

Tiso did have a temper, sure, but just thinking about how many times he'd lost filled him with pure rage.

And Quirrel's face made it almost overwhelming.

He was looking at Tiso with the smuggest look ever. Even while he was trying to defend himself. And he was laughing at Tiso.

Not in a very mean way, but more of a "I can't believe you are getting so worked up over this" laugh.

It was hard for Tiso to stay mad at Quirrel. In all reality, he was more mad at his luck or at the game itself than the pillbug.

Tiso very badly wanted to stop playing, to not allow Quirrel anymore wins, but his pride blocked him everytime. He couldn't give up. He wasn't a coward. He would wait for Quirrel to bail.

However, Quirrel didn't seem to want to bail anytime soon.

They had gotten through 3 more games, Quirrel winning every single one, until Quirrel finally said,

"We've been playing this for awhile, why don't we take a break?"

Tiso pretended to think about it, and prepared his most annoyed tone ever.


Tiso grabbed his phone to check the time, and was shocked to see that it had been 4 hours. 4 hours of Quirrel winning. 4 hours of Tiso desperately trying to win at least once.

Quirrel was really good at Uno, but Tiso would never admit it.

He would never give the pillbug the satisfaction of not only winning the game, but getting the ant to acknowledge his success.

Quirrel must've caught Tiso staring at him, because he spoke up.

"Are you really that mad at me?"

That sure as hell yanked him out of his thoughts.

"What? No, I was just lost in thought, sorry."

Quirrel gave him a disbelieving look.

"Really? Because you seemed really, really, angry at me when I played that draw four." Quirrel ended the sentence with a slightly smug tone subtle enough that others probably wouldn't notice. But Tiso knew him well enough to be able to pick out when Quirrel was being smug.

"I was, but...gods, it's stupid."

Quirrel made a questioning noise.

Tiso might as well say it. After all, it was true.

"For some reason, it's really hard to stay mad at you." Tiso tried to say this as cooly as possible, but it seemed that didn't work out, as he could feel a slight blush on his face.

Quirrel hummed a bit, pleased with the answer.

"So, you aren't going to hold that against me?"


"I didn't hear a no." The pillbug said, urging Tiso to say something.

"...Fine. You're right, it was stupid. I guess it was just something to be mad about in the moment." Tiso said, finally giving in.

What was he doing? This was so unlike him! How was Quirrel getting him to spill his guts like this? Sure, everything he was saying was true, but still!

Quirrel nodded, "Thank you. I'm glad to hear you say that." He said, smirking.

"Shut up."

"I don't think I will. Your reactions are quite adorable."

Tiso's face heated up right away. "Shut. Up."

He hated Quirrel so. fucking. much.

But he also didn't at the same time.

Tiso pulled his hood over his head more to hide his embarrassment. He could hear Quirrel moving towards him, and the pillbug pulled his hood off.

"Hello there."

"Stoppppppp..." The ant whined.

Tiso didn't know what Quirrel's goal was, but he got his answer soon enough.

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