Lunch time part 2

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As Angie took her lunch and walked out quickly out of the lunch room so Joslin, James and Conner won't see her she opened the Cafeteria door and closed it and sat right in the hallway...Angie proceeds to eat her lunch she really missed Robbie and Kenny and wishes they were still here as she was eating her lunch she was thinking about going outside to sit under the rock on the playground

As Angie was done with her food she goes back to the cafeteria and throws the empty trey away and quickly walks back out and goes outside walking quickly and sits under the rock at the playground she just sits there and wonders why did Robbie and Kenny have to die just why...Kenny was the only person in the family who cared for her and Robbie was her only best friend and coping mechanism she missed them so much....

She wishes they were still here with her...what will she do without will she survive....WHAT will she do now...

As tears run down on the poor girls cheeks she said these words out of her mouth..."why.." ..."why" "why did Kenny and Robbie have to fade from me" as she started sobbing and sobbing...Silently " this isn't fair"..."i-I miss them so much" "w-why did they have to die" "Robbie was my only friend...he helped me cope with home and school.."

"And Kenny was the only person that was nice to me in the family..." it's my fault I'm so sorry Kenny I didn't mean for you to be gone because of me...I'm so sorry... it's not fair the little girl cried and cried and cried silently so no one will hear her

She wiped her tears off and tried to make herself happy and entertained trying to think about something else poor Angie she doesn't have her little brother anymore...and her friend Robbie died as well and she's going to have to worry about her family

I-I * breaths in and breaths out * it's ok Angie you got this you still have to survive class and after class your going to have to worry about the bus too...then...home...then "NO" pull yourself together Angie you can do this you got this it's's all going to be ok

As Angie just sits there wondering what to do cause she was board and everyone else is technically playing outside so why can't she wouldn't hurt...even for just a tiny bit... as she gets out of the rock she runs to the playground ladder and climbs it and then she goes to the slide and slides down it was getting a bit ok for Angie as she plays on other stuff at the playground you know like the monkey bars, slides and bunch of other stuff

Angie was and seemed to be enjoying it a little bit but sadly it was almost time to Angie continued to play on the playground for the very last time before recess ended and to go to class


as everyone ran back inside the school Angie was the only person that was still outside and was on the rock in climbing position she breaths in and breaths out and climbs back down and runs inside...

Angelina NellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя