Part 2 - It lurks

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"What is it Charlotte?"

"I saw something in the water, it was black, had horns and had red eyes."

"That must be the monster, it's stalking us!"

"Lets kill it then!"

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"It might kill us or something."

"Ugh you are so useless i guess i will leave without you."

Charlotte leaves the entire group to kill the mysterious monster stalking them. John is worried that she might get killed and then they hear screaming.

They run over there and wonder what happened. They see Charlotte extremely shocked and looks up and notice Akida hanging from a tree.

"Holy shit he is dead!"

"He is still breathing. We have to call an ambulance."

"Damn it there is no signal."

"Gatimu carry him you are the strongest."

Gatimu grabs Akida and they all try get put of the forest while they are all in  panic.

They find a random house in the middle of the forest and decide to go in the for the night.

In the middle of the night Aadan walks out of the house into the forest.

John notices that he is gone in the morning and decides to wake up everyone

"Guys Aadan is gone!"

"We have to find him!"

"We can't leave Akida here alone."

"Charlotte and Lana stay here, me and harry are going to find him."

So John and Harry leave to try and find Aadan buy they quickly get stopped when they saw a black tail in the bushes. John takes out his knife and cuts the tail.

Then a weird creature jumps on Harry and bites his hand off while John watches in fear. He takes out his gun and shoots the monster in the face.

"Harry are you okay?!"

"Do i look okay!?"

"Shit we have to get you to the house"

They run to the house and stops Harry's hand from bleeding and they tell everyone what just happened.

Then john decided to go and hunt the monsters alone and promised to get back alive.

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