Chapter II - Second Chances... Maybe

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Wednesday stood there, unmoving, like a statue. Her mind was in a different place, trying to comprehend what was going on.

Tyler raised an eyebrow and went to step toward her in a force of habit then stopped, knowing that if he stepped anywhere near Wednesday, anything could happen. Mrs. Glanville shook Wednesday's shoulder and she snapped back into reality.

The past lovers made eye contact for a very long time. Neither of them knew what to say. Tyler didn't even know that Wednesday would be his guide around school. He thought it would be a random person or something and he could stay as far away Wednesday as possible.

The Hyde part of him however, wanted to run up to Wednesday and lift her up. Just wanting to remember what it was like when she liked him. The human side of him also wanted that, in a sense. He just didn't want it as desperately as the Hyde did. He just wanted to keep his distance for the time being.

But, that would be very hard to do now.

Tyler shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to leave so badly. He assumed that Wednesday wasn't too fond to see him either.

"So, are you going to give me a tour or not?" Tyler asked after a very long period of silence.

Wednesday looked down at the floor then back at Tyler. "I suppose so." She started walking over to the door which Tyler was in front of. He stepped to the side and allowed Wednesday to open the door and leave. Tyler followed shortly after her. "I'm not going to like one second of this."

"Was kind of hoping you'd say that." Tyler said under his breath. "Most of the people probably don't want to see me anyway."

Wednesday fell silent at that. For lack of a better word, she felt upset by that for some reason. She didn't understand why that hurt her so much. She was supposed to hate him! He killed so many innocent people. But yet here she was, feeling sympathetic.

The two walked in silence with no-one watching. Class had started for everyone else so they were alone. At one point, the two reached the trophy case and memories came back to both of them. Some good, some not so much.

Wednesday remembered her and Tyler dancing. It almost made her forget that she didn't really want to go in the first place. If it weren't for Thing, she would have just stayed in her dorm the whole night and did who knows what.

Tyler also wasn't planning on going to the Rave'N. But, yet he found Wednesday's note and wanted to go.

"I don't know if this is a Hyde thing or not but I'm remembering things a lot more vividly now." Tyler said out of nowhere.

Wednesday turned and started to walk again. Tyler quickly caught up to her and put his hands in his pockets. "I can tell you want to tell me something." Tyler said.

He was right. Wednesday wanted to ask him so many questions. How did the Hyde work really? How did he feel when Laurel died? How did he wake up after his fight with Enid? Questions. So many questions.

"You can ask all the questions you want." Tyler said, as if he could read Wednesday's mind. "I just want to get my mind off of this right now."

Wednesday seemed like it was only appropriate to ask this one first. "Did you really have a good time at the Rave'N with me?" She asked.

Tyler's eyes widened and the Hyde part of him wanted him to say 'next question'. But Tyler wanted to answer this question. "Of course I did." Tyler said. "What kind of a question is that? What else was I going to do on that night?"

"And you wouldn't be mad if I didn't intend on Thing writing the note for you?" Wednesday asked. Not like she cared about if he was mad or not.

Tyler shook his head. "I mean, did you really think I couldn't hear you through the door when you were talking to Thing?"

That had completely slipped Wednesday's mind. How could of not thought about this!? How did she think he was that oblivious?

"Next question." Tyler said, running his finger on the wall.

"What did it feel like to lose your master?"

Tyler fell silent. He technically wasn't even awake when Laurel was kicked in the face by the person he was walking next to. He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt a bit. His Hyde side screamed inside Tyler for the longest time. That is until a new primary objective was set for the Hyde. To find a new master.

"Let's just say I had a lot of headaches." Tyler chuckled.

Wednesday took note of that. So, it affected the Hyde. Not so much of Tyler. Good to know. She thought.

"Did Mrs. Glanville give you your dorm yet?" Wednesday asked. "Reason I say that is because if you are in a dorm with me and Enid, you're sleeping on the balcony."

Tyler smiled. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be roommates with anyone anyway. I requested for a single room."

"You can do that?" Wednesday asked.

"Yea, I didn't know either. The more you know." Tyler said.

The bell interrupted the two's conversation and students started to fill the canvas, rushing to their next class. Wednesday went to walk off when someone pulled her back. She looked up to see Xavier. "Why were you with him?" He asked. "I didn't even know he came here."

Wednesday scanned the crowd to try and find Tyler but he had vanished. "I was fine, Xavier." She said. "I had to give him a tour of the school."

"A tour of the school-?" Xavier's eyes widened. "He's here now!?"

"Apparently." Wednesday said. "And I was learning things about the Hyde until you pulled me back."

Xavier stepped back from Wednesday and his eyes shook. "You know he's dangerous."

"But you know full well that I can protect myself." Wednesday protested. "Now, move so I can get to my dorm."


Wednesday stared at the ceiling in her bed, hearing Enid giggle as she texted.

A Hyde has been to Nevermore before. Everyone said she was a lovely woman. Yet, I still have so many questions for her. Wednesday thought. She took out her own phone and started to google things about Tyler's mother or the Hyde in general. To see how it worked and if they were as evil as they seem.

Thing climbed onto Wednesday's head and tapped on her forehead. "Yes, I know, Thing. I know this is dangerous but I have to learn more." Thing tapped her head rapidly. "Yes, I know I can get killed."

"What is Thing talking about?" Enid asked.

"He's just worried about something I don't understand." Wednesday said.

Enid's eyes widened and she sat up. "Yea, I heard Tyler is here now. How do feel about that?"

Wednesday looked over at Enid and smirked. "Do you think I missed him? Because if that's what you're implying then stop."

"That's not what I was implying, I was asking how you feel about being in the same school as your ex."

"He is not my ex." Wednesday confirmed.

Enid made her lips into a line. "Agree to disagree."

"He tried to kill you!" Wednesday protested.

Enid crossed her arms. "That wasn't my question."

Wednesday sat up and put her phone at her side. Enid noticed what was on the screen and her eyes widened. "You searched the Hyde?" She asked, running over to see what Wednesday found.

"I didn't get to anything special." Wednesday muttered. "Just something about them being loyal to their masters."

Enid picked up Wednesday's phone and sat next to Wednesday. She started scrolling and her leg started to bounce slightly. "We already know most of this," Enid said. "But there's something you might want to read."

Wednesday raised an eyebrow and took her phone back. Enid pointed to what Wednesday needed to read. Her eyes widened slightly.

If the human form of the Hyde has kissed anyone and they don't have a master, They will do anything to get close to that person.


I have no clue if that's correct or not but I wanted it to be dramatic so yea. See ya in the next chapter!

The Woe of Love, Such Sorrow || Wedler (Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin)Where stories live. Discover now