"Yeah, it's nice and spacious, the sun shines as well-" Baki cut off his wife by asking another question.

"No I mean do you like it here? Being here without any here?" Baki asked again, Kver paused to think about the question.

"I'm not alone, I have a red headed cutie to keep me company" Kver said as she kissed her husband on the nose. 

"I guess so" Baki said as he looked at his wife who looked forward, he adored the beautiful woman more than anything else in this world.


10 Years Later

"Grandma! Come play!" A kid said as he smiled brightly, his grandmother merely shook her head.

"I'm too old, I would prefer to watch you play" The woman said as she watched her grandson pout before he played.

Kver watched her grandson play in the yard, he ran around the bright grass with the dog. The two played lively, she smiled.

Kver had a grandson, the boy was a splitting image of her and no one could deny that. Poliosis managed to get her grandson as well. Carter was her grandson, his mother being Dia. Dia never got Poliosis while her son did.

Kver didn't jump when she felt two warm hands wrap around her, she could smell her husband who was rubbing against her. 

"What are you doing old man?" Kver asked as she laughed, Baki only rolled his eyes.

"You are the one who is old, older than me at that!" Baki said to his wife who lightly smacked him on the arm.

"Whatever" Kver said as she turned her head, Baki knew he indeed upset his wife. He stood in front of her and started to kiss her all over.

"Move you weirdo!" Kver said as she tried to push him off. Carter watched the two with a look of confusion on his face.

Carter soon joined in with the kisses when he noticed his grandmother laughing, Kver was shocked when she felt Carter give her wet kisses on the cheek.

Once the two finally stopped with the kisses, Kver felt like her face was drenched in saliva. She hated wet kisses,something both her husband and grandson gave her. 

"Carter...I'm gonna get you" Kver said as she sprung out of her seat, she chased after her grandson who was much faster than her. She finally caught him, she picked the boy up but soon put him down when she realized he was too heavy. 

"God you're heavy" Kver said as she tried to catch her breath, Kver was shocked when she was lifted off her feet.

"You're so light" Baki said as he once again kissed Kver.


"You know we should write a book" Baki said to his wife, the pair was sitting on a blanket watching stars.

"About what?" Kver said with a light laugh.

"About the story of our love" Baki said before he kissed his wife who returned it.

"That would seem like fun" Kver said as she wrapped her arms around her husband, she truly never loved someone as much as she loved him.

Every moment she spent with him were the best moments of her life. Every passing day, every second, every tear, every shout, every hug, and every kiss. All of it was amazing, no matter if it was good or bad. One of these days, neither her or her husband would be here to love each other anymore but it was fine...

For the story of their love will tell itself....





Finished! This story is complete! This story was long but short at the same time, I had intentions to write more chapters but I didn't.

The whole point was to show the memories these two had, I'll admit, I was gonna write a chapter about them dying but I kept that one out! This chapter was the last so I didn't make it very long, hence why there were so many time skips.

If you enjoyed this very short story then please vote, I will write more stories later on. I think Baki doesn't get enough recognition so I'm gonna give it that light. 

Also, thank you for the reads of this story and my previous one. The votes and reads are what really keep me going. Thank you so much!




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