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Recently, the BeastHub Podcast released two episodes on YouTube:

1) Jurassic has DISRESPECTED T-Rex the Whole time (Angry Rant ft. Klayton Fiortiti)

2) How a New EVIL T-REX will fit in Jurassic Park (ft. Evo2)

As a staunch member of Team Rex, I had the absolute pleasure of watching these two episodes, where the speakers spoke for every lover of T-Rex about how the Jurassic franchise really has butchered the T-Rex ever since Jurassic Park 3 in 2001, and how the franchise could potentially fix the T-Rex in any future films and series that they churn out.

As the title of this work states, this will be a paradise for T-Rex fanboys: because I am one myself. For those of you who are Team Spino or Team Giga, please don't say I didn't warn you. Any comments that are hostile and mocking towards Team Rex members, any comments that bemoan how childish T-Rex fanboys are will NOT BE TOLERATED. Yes, I don't doubt that T-Rex fanboys can be childish, me included, whenever it comes to how Tyrannosaurus Rex is portrayed; but please do not pretend that Spino and Giga fanboys like you can't be childish and even delusional whenever the portrayal of Spinosaurus & Giganotosaurus is involved. Do I need to remind you of @SpinosaurustheKing?

Nevertheless, whether you are Team Rex, Team Giga or Team Spino or Team (insert dino name here) or just a JP/JW franchise fan in general, you are more than welcome to read this work at your own discretion, if you promise not to say anything harmful and malevolent here. If you want to criticize, then let your criticism be constructive. This work will be me describing various ways & ideas of how the T-Rex can be portrayed well in future Jurassic media, and there will be many different kinds of alternate routes. So far, from my perspective, what I have written doesn't really seem offensive to other Team Giga or Team Spino members, but I could be wrong, so apologies in advance if it is unintentionally offensive. I seek your understanding. 

Anyways, this work still mainly caters to T-Rex Fanboys. So, if you're both a fan of the franchise and a Team Rex member, ENJOY! 

T-Rex Fanboy Paradise: Ideas for Future Jurassic Park/World's Tyrannosaurus RexOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant