Before she knew it she had created a masterpiece and was beyond satisfied, not knowing that this had taken up a lot of her time, she looked over at the clock realizing she was about to be late to her book club,

Hurriedly saving the draft of her future novel, she scurried around to gather her belongings before rushing out of the apartment and into her car, one thing she never did was miss out on the book club.

Fortunately enough for her she had made it to the venue in time, and took her usual seat amongst the all female group— "Let me guess, you were in the middle of writing huh Mulan?"

She shrugged responding with a slight head nod and a smile "Of course,"

"Alright well everyone come on in and take a seat— oh wow, do I see a gentleman joining our circle for the first time?"

Mulan's posture immediately changed as she perked up a bit, her eyes averted towards said gentleman as he curiously walked through the entrance, "I hope I'm not intruding, I was just in the neighborhood and seen the sign outside about welcoming new members, I'm interested in possibly joining..."

"Nope he looks like trouble, besides what's a guy like that even interested in joining a book club for anyways? As if reading is an actual hobby of his,"

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"Nope he looks like trouble, besides what's a guy like that even interested in joining a book club for anyways? As if reading is an actual hobby of his,"

Mulan frowned at her peers for whispering amongst themselves, and spreading a false narrative of a person they didn't even know, "I say we give him a chance," she spoke up ceasing the chattering

"Agreed, have a seat wherever you'd like and we will begin."

Mulan nervously chewed on her bottom lip as he scanned the room, there were multiple empty seats available including the one next to her, which is where he decided to sit— the scent of his cologne traveled through her nostrils as she began to ingest it almost becoming hypnotized,

This eerie feeling had come over her being, she tried hard not to stare at him directly so she glanced every now and again, he looked awfully familiar to her, in fact she felt as though she knew him personally, it freaked her out in a sense,

In this particular book club every member was either an author or an aspiring author, so they would read each other's works, discuss, and critique it within the club— and on this particular day one of Mulan's books was the topic of discussion, there was a brief breakdown of the plot which was about a young girl with low self esteem,

Her identity has been mistaken for someone else, and instead of her clearing the confusion early on, she uses it to her advantage in order to find love, and when she does she is granted everything she's longed for,

As this is discussed, Mulan noticed how attentive the stranger was— he even gave feedback and asked questions along the way, the last thing she expected was for him to participate, she was impressed honestly,

An hour or two had passed as the gathering came to a close, just as she was about to depart she was brought to a halt, "I really liked your book..."

Slowly pivoting on her heels she turned to face him, his dark brown bedroom eyes struck her, igniting a flame she hadn't felt before, she then gradually nodded "Thank you, I've been writing ever since I was a little girl. My dream is to become an author someday,"

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