⚛️What A Battle Indeed⚛️

Start from the beginning

The atomic superhero punches Falcon across the face and cracks his visor but Atom Smasher doesn't let up as he just keeps punching Falcon again and again until he finally drops him

Spider-Man swings in and webs one of the thrusters on Falcon's winged jetpack as Iron Woman catches Atom Smasher before he can hit the ground, they both touch down as Iron Woman holds her hand out aiming at a webbed up Falcon

Iron Woman:I would be very careful about your next move, Sam

Atom Smasher could practically sense the bad tension in the air, this fight brought out some of the differences between them yet he was taken by surprise as the Winter Soldier grabbed him by his mask and threw him back sending him flying; before Iron Woman could turn around to attack the Winter Soldier instantly grabbed Iron Woman by the throat and used all of the strength he could muster and threw her out of the airport

Atom Smasher got right back up and spun the super soldier around and kneed him in the stomach before hitting him with a hard uppercut; the super soldier stumbled back from the pain and ducked under one of Atom Smasher's punches

He swiped at his legs but Atom Smasher front flipped over him and kicked the Winter Soldier in the face mid-air before ultimately running as fast he could and jumped out of the big smashed window, he dived forward and caught up Iron Woman as he wrapped his hands around her

Atom Smasher quickly spun them around taking most of the hard impact as a loud *CRASH* could be heard as Atom Smasher felt his back hit a car with Iron Woman laying on top of him; her helmet retracted as her eyes were filled with concern for Atom Smasher, she took off his mask and waited for him to wake up

Iron Woman:Al? Al! Hey hey wake up!

She shook him for a couple of seconds before he groaned in pain and gave a thumbs up letting her know that he was somewhat fine as Morgan hugged him tightly

Iron Woman:You are seriously crazy for doing that..

"*groans* Totally worth it..ow"

Al just gave off a chuckle as Morgan noticed that she was still laying on top of him and got off of him as fast as she could, Al didn't even seem to notice and pulled himself off of car that was ultimately just destroyed

She held out his mask as he took it and looked down at it, Al could feel this odd feeling of guilt

"Morgan..are we doing the right thing? I mean..is this actually the best way to stop them?"

Morgan was taken back from the question but still deep down she felt a wave of guilt wash over her, she grew up with these people..they were like the family she never had but always wanted besides her actual family

Morgan:I..I don't know, Al..I really don't. I don't want to do this but apart of me feels like I have to do this..

Al sighed and reluctantly put his mask back on as Morgan's helmet came on and covered her face, if they were doing what they thought was right..then why did they feel bad about doing something like this?


Hawkeye:There's our ride!

The archer pointed up ahead to the Quinjet that was in the hangar just up ahead as Captain America and his team all ran to get to it but a beam of heat stopped them in their tracks as they all looked up to see Vision floating up in the air

Vision:Captain Rogers, I know you believe that you are doing is right but for the collective good..you must surrender now

Iron Man, Black Widow, Black Panther, War Machine, Iron Woman, Atom Smasher and finally Spider-Man all landed together with Vision and stood across from Captain America and all of the other remaining Avengers

The two separate teams slowly began to walk towards each other and started to pick up the pace

Spider-Man:They're not stopping!

Iron Man glanced at his daughter and replied back to Spider-Man as he set his sights onto Captain America

Iron Man:Neither are we..

The slow approach soon turned into a full on sprint as both teams of superheroes ran at each other with no intent on stopping, it didn't take a genius to know..things just got serious for everyone

This fight would forever change everything between them and alas only one team was going to be victor of this war

This fight would forever change everything between them and alas only one team was going to be victor of this war

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To be continued..

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