I will do it if you don't want to

330 10 2

At the Quintuplets apartment,

Itsuki: tadaimasu

Miku: shouldn't you be at Y/n's house?

Yotsuba: is something happen?

Y/n: i'm totally fine, just this is Itsuki idea...

Ichika: is it okay to do this?

Y/n: i guess so...but if she didn't know that i'm here, i'm safe that's all

Nino: you didn't think that she will find you everywhere?

Y/n: i already think it...i know that Itsuki's idea kinda stupid but i must try who even know it will work right?

Itsuki: what do you mean stupid idea? I do this for you...! Thanks to me you will be safe

Y/n: okay²

Ichika: so...what you gonna do next?

Y/n: i will stay here until everything okay

Nino: you think it's that easy??

Y/n: yeah of course, i just bring her to the police station and...boom! Settle

Nino: *sigh*

At school,

Teacher: alright class, open to page 100 and copy down the text given

All of them open their textbook into page 100 and copy the text

Time skip,

The bell ringing,

Teacher: alright, that's all for today don't forget to do your homework okay

At the quintuplets apartment,

Fuutaro: as long as the five of you are not done yet, don't dream that all of you can take a rest

Y/n: damn...you are so cruel nerd guy

Nino: but why can he get away but we can't?

Y/n: remember about your result last week?

Last week Flashback,

Fuutaro: all of you fail?!

Y/n: what the...all of you fail? Well that's not strange for me but how?

Nino: easy for you because you're genius!

Fuutaro: because i study i have full mark!

Nino: oh! you want to act that you're the genius man on earth right now?!

Y/n: sheesh~ guys stop it

End of flashback

Y/n: remember?

Nino: about that...

Fuutaro: i don't care at all the important thing is...you must answer this question!

Fuutaro slam a bunch of question papers to their table while making an evil face

Y/n: you made that just for them??

Fuutaro: of course i will make them get a great result for the final exam

Y/n: but... it's look like you're forcing them to do it

Fuutaro: force?? I didn't force them

Y/n: really? Look at that, and that there's so many paper here...what you gonna make? A paper factory or something?? You have to learn how to be a private tutor

My girlfriend is A serious and dilligent girl (Male Reader X Itsuki Nakano)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें