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                 12:00 PM

              OLD HOUSE
                PT PLACE,              

  I WAS with Gwen as we were hanging out at her house. Gwen Runk has been my best friend since we were kids. My parents were friends as teens. They all grew up next door at the foreman's house. 

   "This is going to be the best summer ever." I announced, and I laid on her bed. 

   Gwen tosses herself on her bed as she lays next to me. Our shoulders touched as I tossed a hacky sack in the air. 

   "I'm surprised your parents aren't going on vacation this year. Are you still staying over this summer?" Gwen asks. 

    "Every summer for the past five years, I have lived here. Do you really think I'm going to stop traditions?" Gwen giggles as she leans her head on top of mine. 

   "Why don't you just live with us? I mean, you're basically here all the time." I snorted, getting up as I continued to toss the hacky sack.  

  "If both parents agree, then I'll consider moving in." Gwen squeals getting up as she starts jumping around to the music in the background. 

    I caught sight of a blonde girl who quickly ducked. 

   I opened the window with a grin. 

   "Hello, what are you doing here, creeper?" I teased, as the girl that looked around the same age as us came into the room. 

   "Oh, nothing weird." I smirked and crossed my arms. 

    "I was just standing outside your window. Watching you sing and wondering what it'd be like to be you two." I laughed as Gwen and I looked at the nervous blonde. 

    "I'll go now." You could feel the anxiety rubbing off on her. 

    "Unless you want to hear a cool Bootleg, I got in Chicago." The blonde spoke, not knowing what her name was yet. 

    "Oh, I'm listening." Gwen spoke. 

   "Yea, it's pretty super major. Big-time bootleg. The booties of legs." I stopped the girl from embarrassing herself even more. 

   "Just go get it." I laughed quietly. 

   "On it." I turned to Gwen, who just shrugged in response. 

   "So, how are you and Jay?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me as we wait for the girl to return. 

   "Two years strong." I sighed dreamily as I laid back on the edge of her bed. 

    "The longest a Kelso has lasted in a relationship." I point out. 

  "It's a new record." I leaned on my forearms as I looked at the light skinned girl. 


   The girl came back, and soon we learned her name was Leia. 

   "So, this is your mom's old room, and your dad lived next door?" I tossed the hacky sack in my hands again as I was cross-legged on Gwen's bed. 

   "I bet they boned in here all the time." I joined in the conversation. 

   "Explains a lot." I grinned when I saw the expression on the blonde's face. 

   "Sometimes, late at night, when everything's quiet, we could hear the-." I paused, making creaking sounds to imitate the noise of the bed. 

   The girl cringed, looking uncomfortable. 

    "Sorry about her, Cassie loves to make people uncomfortable." I shrugged as I nudged my shoulders with Leia. 

  "You're really good at it." I smiled as I bowed to the girls. 

   "Anyways. Tell us about Chicago. What are you into?" I asked, wanting to know more about the girl that came through the window. 

   "Me? Uh, a lot of stuff." I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was trying to play it cool. 

   "School." I nodded my head, wanting her to continue as I made motions with my hands. 

   "Schools a big one." Gwen spoke. 

   "And I'm a pretty big deal in the debate club." I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand. 

   "Yea, I'm not very popular." I wrap an arm around Leia's shoulders as I rub her arm. 

  "Good. Popular people suck." I nod in agreement with Gwen. 

   "Ooo, this parts dope." I spoke up, as I ran towards the radio and turned up the music. 

   "Damn it, Gwen! Cass! Turn that shit down." I looked behind me to see Gwen standing closer towards the radio. 

   A shirtless Nate comes barging into the room. 

   "Turn that crap down. I'm trying to shave!" He whines. 

   He leaves the room after we turn the volume back up to annoy him again. 

   "Older brother. Different dads. He's cool." Gwen's response was short. 

    "And I'm their cousin. Well family friends, but still family." I wrapped my arm around Gwen as she wrapped hers around my waist. 

  She was a bit taller than me, only by a few inches. Nobody ever believed us when we told people they were cousins due to the fact that she had darker skin than me, and I was fair with ginger hair. 

    "Well, he's only mostly cool because he has a van. And he's fun to mess with." I honestly say. 

   "This Whiny, vagina music is bumming me out!" Nate came back into the room again to complain about our music. 

  "Oh yea, Nate?" I taunt. 

    "Me and our new friend are gonna call our new band the whiny vagina." I make a rainbow with my hands and do jazz hands to exaggerate. 

   "Damn it, Cassidy!" I laughed along with the other girls as I turned the volume even louder. 

  This was only just the beginning of summer, and I already know this summer is going to be EPIC.

MIDNIGHT SKY// JAY KELSO(discontinued❗️)Where stories live. Discover now