[ 1 ] The First of It's Kind

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"Give it back Neteyam!" Aresque screamed playfully as she ran after him through the colorful and unique plants of the forest

"Not a chance Aresque!" Neteyam grinned as he waved the new necklace she weaved earlier in the air mockingly

This only encouraged Aresque to run faster. Eventually she caught up to him where he raised his arm in the air, the necklace held tightly in his hand as he smirked at her.

"Aww can't reach it now can you?" Neteyam teased

Rolling her eyes at him she jumped and jumped with all her might and still couldn't reach it. Huffing slightly an idea popped into her head as she hid the smile that was forming on her face. She knew what she had to do. Aresque looked up at him with doe eyes as she grabbed his other hand with her hands.

"C'mon Tey.. give it back to me.. please?" Aresque even pouted slightly so the act could be more convincing

She saw how he was momentarily stunned by her act but was cracking slowly knowing that her doe eyes and the nickname was getting to him. Neteyam slowly lowered his arm and in that moment, Aresque smirked as she took the opportunity and jumped up, snatched her necklace and ran away.

"You did not just pull that stunt on me you skxwang!" Neteyam shouted after her as she giggled looking back at him to see him getting closer and closer.

Just as she was about to face forward and run faster, she collided into a hard figure causing her to stumble back and fall on her ass. Cursing slightly Aresque looked up to see a familiar face.

"Spider! What are you doing here man?" Neteyam shouted behind her as she heard his footsteps coming nearer to her. Wrapping his hand around her arm, he helped her get up.

Spider looked between them and gave a knowing smirk, this being oblivious to the two teens in front of him. Relaxing his face he simply pointed to the barely visible sky that could be seen inbetween the trees which was now turning a few shades of red, pink and orange, a sign that the sun was setting and eclipse was near.

Looking up, Aresque frowned slightly at the beautiful sky as she realized that it was time to go back for the day. "Do I have to go back?" she asked spider who raised his brow at her "You know well enough that you aren't strong enough yet to stay in your avatar until eclipse." He said with a serious tone.

"Yeah yeah I know..Anyways what are you doing here? are you staying out tonight?" She asked him knowing that he usually stayed out with the sullys since he could with his mask on.

"Yup! Kiri invited me over to their hut. She mentioned something about this new plant she discovered in the forest earlier and wants to show it to me before eclipse. " Spider smiled

Giving her one last nod and a playful salute he walked past them as he made his way to the huts. Meanwhile Neteyam took his hand from his friend's arm as he looked at her with a small smile.

"Hey.." he nudged her. "Don't look so sad now. It's not like we'll not see each other tomorrow ya know?" Neteyam joked hoping to cheer the girl up. He knew that Aresque didn't enjoy not being able to stay longer in her avatar form.

"Yeah I know but I don't get why they won't let me stay till late out like spider. " Aresque huffed out as she fidgeted with the necklace in her hands

Noticing her fidgeting, Neteyam reached out and covered her hands with his own. "You know you need rest after being here all day.. I'll walk with you to the lab cmon."

The two friends walked together in comfortable silence, their shoulders occasionally touching when they finally reached the lab. Entering the code, Aresque and Neteyam entered the facility as Neteyam put on a small mask.

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