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Lifted GymWashington, DC9:30AM

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Lifted Gym
Washington, DC

"You not taking this seriously enough. What you mean you haven't drunk any water in the last seventy-two hours?" I exclaimed to my client, Anthony, as he ran his hand down his face. "Plain water is nasty." He complained making me suck my teeth. "And so is your piss. Probably peeing out battery acid, start warming up and drink some water!" I said clapping loudly as he walked over to the mats to stretch. "Good morning guys!" Trinity exclaimed as she walked in cheesing extra hard. "Mornin' sis. Why you so happy?" I asked as I walked over, giving her a hug. "Oh nothing just went to the dentist last night." She said making me raise a brow. "She got them damn tooth gems. I've been seeing all teeth since she got them." Johnathan said as he walked over, pulling her into a hug and kissing her on the cheek. "For real? Lemme see." I said curiously. I've never seen them in person but they hard. She smiled and I nodded my head. "They're cute sis." I said and she smiled harder. "Now stop that shit, you look like Pennywise with that wild ass smile." I said making her smack my arm as I laughed. "Man whatever." She said just as Joe walked over. "Mornin' family." He said drinking some of his water out his gallon water bottle. "Mornin' Uce." I said dapping him up. "What we talking about, I'm still waiting on my client." He said and Trinity began doing that big ass smile again. "The fuck- oh, those dope Trin." Joe said making me laugh. "Naw finish what you were saying, the fuck you smiling like that for. I told her she look like Pennywise smiling like that." I said making Joe laugh and Trinity push me. "I think you look beautiful baby, he just a hater." Johnathan started making me suck my teeth. "But you do need to stop smiling like that before you run our clients away." He finished making me bust out laughing. "Mane, y'all are cold!" She exclaimed. Joe shook his head. "You went to Dr. Cypher?" He asked and she nodded. "Yeah and she said she didn't think your brolic ass would fit in her chair." She said and he laughed. "She's funny, I'll have to go see her soon, need a cleaning." He said. I checked my AppleWatch seeing that ten minutes had already went by. "I got to go, uh send me this dentist information, definitely in need of a whitening treatment." I said before jogging off to my client. "Bet!" Trinity called out.

"One more, come on push. You got it, this ain't nothin'!" I motivated my client a he did walking lunges with a seventy-five pound barbell. He was on his third set of four meaning that was his last set before he got a water break. "That what I'm talking about baby!" I clapped loudly as he finished strong. "Now go drink some water, I bet that plain water taste good now." I teased as I set my timer for one minute. I checked my phone seeing that Trinity shared her dentist instagram profile to my direct messages, quickly I went to her profile seeing her work. She was great, no doubt about it. I started back to the top of her page checking her bio to go to her main page just as my alarm went off, locking my phone before getting back to work.

Lifted Gym

"Everyone packed and ready before I lock up?" Joe called out as he threw his duffle bag over his shoulder, walking towards the door where Joshua stood, eyes glued to his phone. "Yeah, we're coming now!" Johnathan said as he grabbed Trinity's bag, walking close behind her as they made their way to the door. "Josh you good?" Joe asked seeing as though he didn't answer and he looked up in confusion. "You said some?" Joshua asked and Joe furrowed his brows. "I asked were you ready, you ain't leave nothing?" Joe asked and Joshua shook his head before locking his phone and putting it in his pocket. "Yeah I'm straight." Joshua said. They all stared at him a bit confused. "You good Uce?" Johnathan asked. "Mmcht, yeah bro, I'm cool. For real. Just tired and ready to go to bed." Joshua said. "Mhm." Trinity said. "Aight man." Joe said before they all walked out the gym, going separate ways. Joshua quickly got in his Jaguar SVR and started it up before calling Monroe. She picked up on the first ring crying hysterically making him sigh. "What's going on Roe?" He asked shushing her in the process. "It's been a break in and I haven't been able to rest since it happened." She cried out making him sit up a bit straighter as he sped off. "What do you mean a break in? Your spot? Why are you just saying something?" He shot out quickly making his way to her house. "Not my house just someone on my street." She said calming down a bit, he slowed down and quietly sucked his teeth. "You should've started with that G." He said. "Are you coming over?" She asked and he checked his watch, 11:02PM. "I'm assuming that's why you were blowing up my phone." He said and the line fell silent. He took his phone from his ear seeing that she was still on his line. "Yeah, I'm on my way." He sighed out. He really did just wanna go to bed but of course she wouldn't let that happen. "You know where the spare key is, I'll be upstairs." She said cheerfully before hanging up. He dropped his phone in his lap. "Fuck." He groaned before turning up his radio, 'Rich Flex,' by Drake blaring through his speakers.

Monroe came to Joshua two years ago and hopes for a trainer. Joshua took her as a client and it wasn't long until she started flirting with him, it was cute and innocent at first but eventually it became more serious and she became touchy. He didn't mind considering she is a beautiful women but he couldn't mix business with pleasure so he ignored her gestures until she had invited them out for her birthday, them including Joe, Johnathan, Trinity and Joshua. They slept together that night and Joshua was quick to take her off his client list. Trinity took her as I client and she been working with Trinity since.

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