Chapter 20

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Ya'll!! I JUST GOT KEQUEEN 😍, even if shes a standard character she was my first 5 star and thankfully not Xiao bc I kinda dont want him ngl but if I did get him i dont care but anyways- R.I.P my Primogems and Talent books for Kazuha and enjoy!

Zuha has come back to the dorm (btw the dorm is done renovating)

"Hey Love..."

Kuni is seen on the couch using his IPad reading smth and Zuha just hugging him from behind felling a lil tired

"You look tired"
"I got an invitation to a party"
"And did this affect you to become tired?"
"Then why?"
"They said I must do a speech *lies*"
"Aren't you used to this?"
"I am, its just a pain in my a$$"
"*Sigh* go get changed, ill make you some tea"
" 'kay"

While Zuha gets changed Kuni got a call

"*Ring!* *Ring!*"
"Hi! Im the secretary for the Dior & Gucci Party Collab, Rei Sora correct?"
"[Oh sh*t- im just gonna hope that Kat dosent hear me] *changes to girl voice* Yes! thats me"
"Well you are invited to be a Special Guest at the party!"
"Oh wow! Im honored to be invited!"
"Well then the rest of the info will be sent to your email! We would love to see you at the party! *Hangs up*"
"[Oh gosh what am I gonna do now?]"
"Were you at the phone Love?"
"Ah! Kat uhm yeah Ms. Signora suddenly called me.. but your uh tea is ready!"
"Hm thanks"

Zuha then drinks his tea and they both went to sleep

"So to get this straight we need to attend some stupid party?"
"Yes K@! we need to, this is a chance for me to make Zuha be drunk so that I can steal him from his Gf while you steal Scaramouche"

Boba Mixu singing off ☾︎☾︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now