You can leave your petitions, requests and supplications HERE :)

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Hi everyone! This space was created so you can write down in the comments what is that thing that worries you, what do you need, and if you have any request, supplication, need or petition so we can pray for it.

So, you can leave your petition/request/supplication in the comments and we'll publish one chapter about your petition with some suggestions and hope messages.

And, if you don't want to make your need/petition/request public, you can send us an inbox and we'll publish one chapter about your petition but anonymously.

*If you want more information of where can people help you more, you can leave in you petition/need/request the name of your city and your country (e.g. Sydney, Australia) and your first name (e.g. Sarah, Anne, etc.)

God always listen to us and He cares about everything that happens to you, He is the only one that can cover any need we may have and give us whatever we ask Him for, as long as it is good for us.

Petitions, Requests and Supplications.Where stories live. Discover now