Chapter 1: Well if it Was Me, Then I Would, I Would

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(Title from I Would by One Direction)

Jackie is back in Pleasant Pointe, visiting family and friends. She looks around at the place she once considered home not that many years ago. Her current boyfriend is kind of a dud, but she won't let anyone else know that. She walks into The Hub and orders a fry and a smoothie, sitting at the table she and the gang sat at and reminisces.

Steven takes a lunch break from his job at the record store and goes to the Hub. He sees a woman with brown hair sitting at the table he normally sits at and is kind of confused. He's been sitting there since his friends left Wisconsin, so why is there someone sitting there, then it dawns on him, Jackie

When he gets his food he sets it down at the table behind her and covers her eyes, like she did to him all those years ago and says in a deeper voice than when she last talked to him, "Guess who?"

"It's either Steven Hyde, or the warm grasp of the devil," Jackie teases.

"Well, lucky for you, it's both," He smiles, grabbing his food and sitting down, "So what brings you back to Pleasant Pointe?"

"Visiting family and friends, but I guess you're the only friend here, huh?" She says.

He nods, "Yeah. After you left for Chicago, everyone took off and did their own things. Kelso followed Brooke and they uh... well why don't you see for yourself." Steve pulls out a polaroid, of Michael playing with a young girl.

"This is him with Betsy, he sent me the photo a little while ago now," He says, showing her the back.

"That's amazing, I'm proud of him, he deserves it," Jackie says, "It's not like I could give him any kids, anyway."

"What're you talking about Jackie?"

She sighs, "I may be... infertile..."

"Oh Jackie," He replies, hugging her gently, "It's gonna be okay. Is that why you're back in Wisconsin?"

She nods. She hadn't had the chance to tell her parents yet, and she thought it'd be best if she told them in-person. That's also the reason her relationship isn't the best with her current boyfriend. He wants kids and she may not be able to have them, but Jackie doesn't have the energy to break it off, so she's just waiting for him to cheat on her and she catches him, like how it has always ended in her other relationships, including her and Steven.

"So other than... that, is there anything else going on in your life?" He asks.

"I have a boyfriend now, he's been shitty because he found out, but I haven't the energy to break it off at this point, though I probably should," She explains, "Other than that, I don't really have much else going on."

Steve looks down at his food and eats some, nodding. He knows how he hurt her when they were together, and doesn't want to be reminded of the pain that he caused her.

"How about you? Still working at the record store, I see," Jackie smiles.

"Not much, got no one really special in my life, and I'm currently fixing up my old place, so if you want to stay with me while you're in Wisconsin, you can," He says, "If not, that's okay, too."

"You'd let me stay with you?" She asks, a glimmer in her eyes.

"Sure, Jackie," Hyde says, "I mean, unless you want to stay with your parents."

"Thanks, Steven," She smiles, "You're too good sometimes." She finishes her food, hugs him and goes outside, heading to her parents place.

After she leaves, he says, "I know," and leaves, going back to work.

After a while of doing his job at the store, Jackie walks in and smiles a little, "I found this old record sitting around. It looks scratched and I was wondering if you would refurbish it."

"Sure," He replies, "It'll cost ya 5 bucks though."

"Five bucks, Steve! I'm your friend, so please?" She asks.

"No Jackie, you know the rules," He says, "Family of employees only."

"Please Stevie?" She pouts.

"Fine," He rolls his eyes playfully, taking the record and gets to work on refurbishing it.

"Thank you, Steven, you're the best," She smiles widely.

"I try my best," He says softly.

"I just told my parents, yeah their reactions were to be expected," She sighs, looking at her hands, "Mom was a little surprised, but my dad... he was upset that his only daughter may not be able to carry any children."

"Well I guess you're fortunate you asked to stay with me then huh?"

She nods and messes with her fingers a little. Out of impulse, Steve gently moves a piece of hair out of her face and she looks up at him.

"Sorry, habit," He says quickly, moving his hand away and going back to refurbishing the record for her. After he's done, he hands her the record and she smiles.

"Thanks again Steve," She says.

"You owe me one Jackie," He replies.

"Name your price Hyde," She smirks.

"A game of mini golf and some cheeseburgers," He says, smirking as well.

"I guess that could be arranged," She says smiling, and leaves, going shopping in some of the other stores, waiting on Steve to finish up his shift. When he finishes up, the two get in their cars and she follows him back to his place.

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