Xiao / Scaramouche [-] Play Nice

Start from the beginning

Xiao's brows furrowed, "the Fatui should've never had business in this nation. You've become... comfortable." The energy draining device was now affecting his speech. Not that he is opposed to giving Scaramouche the silent treatment.

"Boo fucking hoo." He stuck his tongue out and squatted down just beside Xiao. "I can't believe you're so loyal that you'd sit here for years. What do you gain out of this?"

"I'm–" He balled his hand weakly into a fist. "I'm not gaining anything. I'm protecting, that's what I do."

"Lame." He sneered in response.

Xiao turned his head with a scowl. "You are one to talk. Being dragged around like... like a puppet." He breathed. "But I've heard that's all you are."

Scaramouche's face fell. "So somebody is out there exposing all of my business. Not many people even know that much, so you have a well educated informant." He tilted his head to the side, "probably that old useless rock that's the supposed Archon."

"Don't you dare–!"

Xiao stopped the moment Scaramouche's hand found its way around his throat. In normal circumstances, he would've lost his whole arm for even having the nerve to touch him. Perhaps his puppet master could fix him up real nice if he was lucky.

Lucky if Xiao hadn't mutilated him by that point.

"You have no room to speak." Scaramouche warned. "In this situation you lose. There's no point for wasting what little breath you have left to complain."

Weakly, Xiao lifted his arm and wrapped his arm around the wrist that was around his neck. "I don't lose."

"Maybe not in a fair fight." Scaramouche chuckled. "But you have lost."

The hand that Xiao had moved was the one where his vision rested in his glove. He forgets it's ever there because he doesn't use it. It's only there so he can somewhat blend in with other people. As if he could truly ever do something so unreachable.

But that doesn't mean that lime gemstone doesn't hold power.

With enough concentration, he focused his energy to the space around him. More so the vicinity that he was trapped within. There was strain. Strain because he was already weakened as is, using power from a rusty resource wasn't ideal.

But the vision glowed.

Scaramouche raised his eyebrows, "seriously? You shouldn't be able to do anything in this state."

In an instant, there was a fierce wind encasing the two of them. The Balladeer's hat was blown from his head, and caught up elsewhere. Xiao was running off scraps of his reserves. However, it was working. Slowly but surely, Scaramouche's grip loosened, and soon enough, broke away.

He sucked in a deep breath and used the wind to help him off the ground. The anemo was untamed, but it was generally doing what he wanted.

Scaramouche hissed. "Either your stamina is off the charts or–" He paused and took another step back, not voluntarily, but was nearly swept away. "The vision." He concluded.

"It isn't adepti power." Xiao finished for him. "You only sealed what I use on a daily basis."

"You're telling me that you don't use that vision on a daily basis?"

Xiao stood up, feeling lighter now as the air swirled around him. He reached his arm out and had his polearm lifted and brought over to his hand. "Why would I? I'm a Yaksha, I don't need it."

Scaramouche watched as his weapon moved through the air. "Then you only use your adepti powers? Do you have any idea how powerful you could be using the full potential of a vision?"

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