𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚, isabel

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❝ breaking down and coming undone, it's a roller coaster kind of rush. and i never knew i could feel that much, and that's the way i loved you. ❞
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You know the feeling after seeing an ex boyfriend you were totally, deeply in love with after a couple years? Yeah, well, that's exactly how I feel right now. Except he never was my boyfriend and we were never in love.

Obviously, I find him attractive and gorgeous. God gave him gifts no man should be allowed to have. Occasionally, I have caught myself having fantasies about him. But he's been my nemesis ever since we were little kids.

That's actually how he and my brother met. He accidentally — so he says — broke my science fair project right before my presentation, and won the competition. I came crying home that night to Pedri, hoping he was gonna kill him or something. But, the next day, I learned that Pedri took Gavi's side, believing his lie, and became bff's.

Whatever, they both suck anyway.

I try to focus on something else and am now debating whether or not to continue working on the song or cook food. Food wins.

I rearrange my instruments and notes and place them back in my room. Pedri has a special room just for me, how thoughtful of him. Not that I almost forced him to after I moved to the US since I wouldn't have any house for visits.

I also get a change of clothes while I'm up there. I'm still in my airport clothes wich are pretty comfy but stink from the ten and a half hour plane. I will neither deny nor confirm that I slept during eight of those hours and ate for two hours. The other thirty minutes were for urinal purposes.

I put on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a black crop top as a shirt. I'm not sure whether or not Gavi's going to stay over, so I'm staying on the safe side. Casual but not too much that it seems like I'm heading to bed to sleep like an eighty year old grandma. Which wouldn't be so bad right now to be honest.

For someone trying to get someone else out of their head, I think I'm doing really good. I only thought about him while picking out what to wear. Which is basically all I did other than actually putting on the chosen clothes.

I walk back downstairs, headed towards the kitchen. I'm probably going to cook that pasta Pedri likes. He loves it for some reason. I'm not that good of a cook but when mom and dad passed away, I was responsible of the kitchen.

I put my AirPods on and turn on some music or else I'd get bored to death. I search his cupboards and raid his fridge for all the ingredients and luckily, he has them all. This is surprising. My brother never cooks, he always orders out. Maybe it's the food I picked out last time I was here. I hope its not. It's been like a half a year since I last came.

"Pedri!" I scream, maybe louder than I wanted because of the music in my ears. "I'm cooking some pasta for dinner. You cool with that?" I get my AirPod out for a second, to be able to hear his response but I don't hear a single thing.

I sight before walking to the living room, where I catch him sitting on the sofa, all bathed, — he takes real quick showers — his legs up and watching tv.


"Always." He replies, not even turning his head towards me. Lovely. I roll my eyes turning back around to the kitchen. But, — there's always a but, isn't there? — instead, I bump into something big and strong.

I know for a fact there isn't any wall there, and Pedri's sat on the couch, which means- "Sorry, bonito." He smirks down at me. "Didn't see you."

I look back up at him, with a snarky comeback ready. But, — oh my God, this but is going to end me — the man standing right in front of me is shirtless with wet hair. And I just bumped into his bear chest.

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