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Dhurv-: Ma ma ap ye kya bolrai thi stage pr ha?

Kisher-: dhurv aai baba mai yaha se Canada jarai hu kal hi mujhe maf kije mai ye shadi nahi karpau gi..mujhe maf kardije..*dhurv closed his Frist in anger*

Moni- please kisher you know that since the day one you entered this house you made this home me and your dad wont be living much now as we are already aged and the only thing I want to see my child happy with his family and kisher you are the only one who can do it beta I request you agr tum hmse dur gai to mai jite ji mar jau gi mar jau gi... *she burst in tears and falls in her knees which kisher immediately stops her from doing and hug her*

Kisher-: moni maaa.... *hugs* maa I never felt mother's love but you gave me the love I longed dont make me feel ashamed... I... am... I am... ready to do what all you want maaa but never repeat that..ma..never ... *seeing them cry dhurv's eyes fills with tears too.. he wipes his tears as his father taps his shoulder and he nods*

------------TIME SKIPS -------

-wedding hall-

Kisher's Pov-:

I was just num my eyes were dry and I look almost as I have passed out..
As any other girl I have my fantasies too I had dream of getting someone I could love
Of getting someone who I could spend my life with ..
And here I'm marrying a man who .. hates me ... the man who married my sister.. it feels betrayal.. tho kashish I promised you but.. it feels my world is shattered..
I'm bound by guilt for life which In compensation of letting my self on trial ...

*someone suddenly knocked*

I turned to see veda di.. she looks not so happy I looked and plastered a fake smile she came in and told me that now I have to go down as prist is calling for the bride...

I just nod after mentally preparing myself and motivating a bit I left my room with her

POV end...

Dhurv's pov-

(Background music )

I was getting mad idk why but my mind was burning in anger and I couldn't do anything I was boiling from inside and I couldn't do anything but then my eyes fell on her.. yes my bride to be ..

That bengali joda on her yet her marathi make up and her shy smile and her suddenly laughing on krish who was in veda di's hand suddenly she looked at me .. my heart skipped a beat ..
our eyes meet and what to tell I was already dead and I dont know what her aura was doing to me.. she came and sat beside me still our eyes locked with each other ... which broked when akshay spoke some unpleasant words.. making me all red ..

Akshay-: oho janab bus bhi kije kitna dekhe ge apki hi biwi hai shadi ke bad puri zindagi dekh lije ga sale shab ...

I mentally slapped him for making me feel like digging a whole and bury myself..

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