we all ran to our seats and took out our lunch, me and Henry both had the same lunch, she walked over to me and inspected my lunch I looked at Ralph and back at her "what are you-" she took my squash muffin out of my lunch box and ate it. She actually ate it. "You did not just eat my bloody squash muffin" I said piercing my eyes through hers. "I did." She said leaning her face close to mine. "She ate my muffin!" I say as she goes around and eats everyone else's treats.

She then goes and eats all the rest in the corner. I stare at my lunch Emotionless. Squash muffins are my most favorite thing and she ate it on me. I want to bang my head on the table but Ralph told me not to so I just scratch my arm instead. I'm not trying to be emotional about food but I love my squash muffins and I packed that for me to eat not her. I look at Margaret who's staring at me laughing at how sensitive I am about food with her little friend. I growl at her and Ralph looks at me weirdly and then at them. They immediately stop and Margaret blushes looking at him and waves. I roll my eyes and grab a grape putting it in my mouth.


Y/n is so beautiful. until someone steals their squash muffin. I have realized stealing their squash muffin is a bad idea from seeing how mad they get, Margaret isn't making it any easier for them so I decided to take them out of the lunch room "COME BACK HERE AT ONCE! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO LEAVE UNLESS YOU ASK" I ignore the demon lunch lady and walk out with Y/n. "Y/n are you okay? You've been acting up since you got in here" I say putting my hand on their shoulder. They look up at me but suddenly shrink down to the floor. "If I tell you will you tell anyone" "your secrets safe with me!" He says shrinking down with me. "Well, I'm not really sure.. I get mad over stupid things and then people are yelling then everything becomes more and more louder and my senses become like 100 times more and-" she starts flapping her arms. I then suddenly get the urge to hug them, so I do. They stop what their doing and freeze. It's like time stopped for them.

hey cry into my shoulder and I suddenly feel bad. I made her share her feelings and I made them cry. "Thank you." They say to me for the 2nd time to me "what? B-but I just made you cry!" I say "I needed it, you know, to get the emotions out" I look at them "look, I don't get my emotions out often so this was.. Nice." She looks up "the only way I get my emotions out is music" she looks into my eyes and I look into hers. The bell rings.

another day not another slay, Henry Begged me to make another lunch for us. Mum baked us cookies for our lunch. "Be careful guys! Their hot!" She says "damn right I am" I say modeling myself "she was talking about the cookies Y/n." I roll my eyes "hot.. That's it!" Henry says grabbing a but of spices off the counter and puts a ton of it on the cookies. "Your so horrid Henry" I say looking at him ammused "I know."

"Lunch again, how nice! I get to eat with a screaming lady who eats all our goods and doesn't care about us!" I say sarcasticly to Ralph clapping my hands. "Don't worry it'll be fine!" He says reassuring me. "But will it?" He didn't say anything else. We got into the lunch room and sat down while opening my lunch, almost the same thing but this time I had hot cookies instead. The lunch lady came by Henrys lunch first and saw the cookies "ooh!" She said taking them all and swallowing them whole. I smirked at her with a mischievous look on my face. Her fave soon turned red and she grabbed both me and Ralphs water and drank them, I looked at her with my mouth open. I know for a FACT she  did not just drink my water. Ralph closes my mouth for me.

"I like em hot!" She says and eats mine too. I mean I wasn't gonna eat them, Margaret was looking at me again so I kicked her under the table "hey!" She yelped her voice cracking. "Okay Margaret I know I'm hot, but please, don't stare." I say flattering myself. I heard a wrapper crinkle in her sock I swear "Oh! Margaret why is there a bar in your sock?" I ask her. The demon lunch lady turns around and walks over to Margaret, and takes it out of her sock, taking it out the wrapper eating it. I put my head in both my hands finding it ammusing the way she stated at me "Ralph! Y/ms being mean! She even kicked me under the table" she started to fake cry, hoping Ralph would get mad at me both of us were waiting for a yell from him. "As she should" he said to her. ZAMNN RUDE RALPH LIVING UP TO HIS NAME!?? "WHAT????" Yelled Margaret "nahh jit mad cuz Ralph loves me more than her" I say looking at her smiling "HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU MORE!" "Nahh jit in denial!" I giggle a but looking at her mad face "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!" I covered my ears "what can't handle a bit of yelling?" She says snickering at me. I stare at her, not a woah she's pretty stare. A woah someone's gonna die today stare.

"Y/n! Y/n stop cut it out!" Margaret was on the floor screaming and I was being held back by Ralph by the waist I almost got away twice but he was holding me tight now. Henry was yelling at me to stop but I wasn't stopping. Margaret can not laugh at and point out things I cannot control that I hate and think she can get away with it cuz she cant! That day I was sent home cuz Margaret said I beat her up! I barely touched her! Keyword: barely

"MUM PLEASE SHE'S LYING" you plead she grips your arm firmly her finger nails digging into your skin creating dents and little Passageways for blood to come out. Not a lot of blood though "OUCH! MUM THAT HURTS!" "Bye bye Y/n" said Margaret grinning "now I get you all to myself!" She screeched looking at Ralph but Ralph was looking at you shocked by your words 'OUCH! MUM THAT HURTS!' It replayed in his brain, his heart breaking hearing the pain in your voice. "I couldn't have heard that right.." Ralph said aloud. "What do you mean?" Asked Margaret "did you not hear her words?" "What? Her MUM PLEASE SHE'S LYING" she made her voice dramatic. "No the other ones" she looked at me "she said 'ouch, mum that hurts." They looked at each other.

Henry came in my room. "What do you want?" I asked "I have a plan. But I need everyone's help."


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