v. clueless - lo'ak

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If you were to deny that you didn't have even a slight crush on Lo'ak, you'd be lying to yourself

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If you were to deny that you didn't have even a slight crush on Lo'ak, you'd be lying to yourself. You just couldn't help it.

He had such an adventurous spirit that drew you in. And eywa, his looks did not help with the new blooming infatuation that was starting to build.

Yet you knew that there was no chance, he was your best friend. There was no way you wanted to risk your friendship over a stupid little crush you had on him.

No, you couldn't ruin it, no matter what, you reminded yourself. Besides, he came to you for advice for girls. So much to the fact you became his official 'wing woman. '

Yeah, maybe it annoyed you, but what could you do? He was absolutely clueless that you thought of him like that, right?

"Y/n!" a familiar voice called from behind you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You turned your head in the direction of the voice, and you were greeted with a handsome smile.

"Lo'ak," you say, a smile forming at the ends of your lips  before motioning him to sit down beside you, he playfully rolls his eyes and makes his way towards you.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," he begins, as he brushes off the space next to you before he finally sits down.

Your eyebrows furrow at his words, "and that is?" you gently press, pushing for him to explain further what exactly he wanted to talk about.

His smile turns into an all too familiar teasing grin at your words, which you know only means no good.

"You have a crush on me, don't you?" he says, nudging at your shoulder, and chuckling lightly.

It takes you a good twenty seconds to register the words that leave his mouth, and when you do your eyes widen in shock. Your heart begins pounding loudly against your chest and your head feels like it's spinning.

How does he know?

You take a breath in, bringing your senses back to the present before you respond to him.

"No, i don't." you deny, shifting your attention to the surroundings nearby, preferring to look at everything else but him.

"Alright," he says, yet he can tell by your reaction you're lying through your fangs. I mean, he's known you since you two were little kids.

He shakes his head as he watches your demeanor shifts into a fidgety one. And before you know it, two fingers gently placed under your chin before your chin is turned to the side to meet his gaze.

Your eyes flicker back onto him, to find his lips only milliliters apart from yours. Your face feels hot, and a soft crimson tint starts to form on your cheeks at his motion.

It's almost as if he's fooled you. Allured you into his tricks and schemes. He thinks he's won but his eyes widen in surprise as you slap his hand away from your chin, and move your head further away from his.

"Don't do that!" you snap, rolling your eyes at him.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not fair i don't want to be your temporary happiness," you huff, as you cross your arms and press them close to your chest.

"Y/n, it's not like that," he promises, his words sound sincere but you're unsure if you want to believe him.

"Then what is it like?"

"It's like..." he trails off, unable to form his words at your question. He's almost speechless, and unsure of how to answer. should he lie or be truthful? He decides on the latter.

"I like you, and not just as a friend," he sputters out, his eyes widening at the words that leave his very own lips as your mouth hangs slightly agape in shock. Flutters start to stream into your senses, your tail swishing gracefully from side to side.

He sees me the way i see him?

"i'd like to show you, if you don't mind," he says, his voice is low and whispers of promises you're unsure you're willing to keep. He takes one of your hands and places it into his own.

"Okay," was all you managed to get out in your stunned state but nonetheless it reaffirmed him that you'd be okay with what was on his mind.

His eyes flicker down to your plush lips and then back to your eyes. He moves his other hand back up to cusp your warm cheeks and gazes deep into your eyes asking for your consent once more, you nod your head and with your final confirmation, he leans in and connects his lips to yours.

You almost melt at how soft his lips were and how they tasted right against your own.

Jitters fill your body as his tongue skims along your lip, asking for access, which you grant. As you tilt your head to the side and open your mouth slightly, deepening the kiss in the process.

You place your hands on his shoulders, pulling him in closer. While his hand that was holding your hand glides down to your thigh, skimming it gently.

If you weren't so caught in the moment, you would've heard a na'vi clearing their throat in the background. And when the motion goes unnoticed, a-familiar-voice speaks.

"Quite busy now, aren't we?" the voice teases, causing the two of you break from each other while panting and gasping for air. Before turning your heads towards the voice. The na'vi's arms were crossed, almost as if he was angry or annoyed yet his face held a calm and patient smile. neteyam.

Your eyes briefly wander back back to lo'ak to find his gaze on yours, and unsurprisingly both your mouths agape. You both turn your attention back to neteyam as he makes a shushing gesture, "don't worry, i won't tell anyone." he says, winking before walking away from the area.

"oh eywa," you say, laughing in shock and embarrassment at what just happened in the last ten minutes. Lo'ak chimes in on your sweet laugh.

"Caught redhanded by my own brother," he sighs, smacking a hand on his forehead.

"It's a bit funny," you point out, to which he merely rolls his eyes.

"Definitely not," he says, his tone serious. If it weren't for his tail swishing about crazily and the suppressed laugh that followed, you almost would have believed him.

"Wait,"" you trail off as a thought comes to your mind, "how'd you even know i liked you?"

"Mom told me," he admits as the edges of her lips curled up into a soft smile as he recalled the memory.

You giggle at his words. "i take back what i said this morning, you are definitely clueless."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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