Sweet Stranger ♡♡(Jay🧁)

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"so ,you like to dance?"
He asked in between chewing his food.
"Yeah ,dance is my hobby "
You gave a simple reply sipping your vanilla latte with strawberry tart.
"But I never saw you in the dance room before" he said being curious to know more about you.

"Yeah actually,I used to practice there for hours before your group formed and then I stopped going there because nither my family was happy from me as I choose to dance and so I had to give it up"
You told him lowering your head.

"So you never danced again?"
He asked raising his brows in shock.

"No it's not like that , I still dance, secretly and in complete privacy,when no one's watching."
You replied making his lips to form an O in understandment .

Few minutes later the bus arrived and we both got in sitting on our seats next to eachother.

A/n's POV:
You both were sitting beside eachother and you didn't realised when the tiredness kicked in making you fall asleep .
The warmth of his coat along with his cologne felt soo homely and comforting to you that you fell asleep .
Later he dropped you at your home and went to his.
You also found out that he lives in the neighborhood which is 2 blocks away from yours.
Later you went out to stare at the moon from the window near your bed .
What would he be doing right now?
You wondered staring at the moon taking in all its beauty .

Jay's POV:
I wish I could have stayed more with her.
Why do I feel soo connected to her?
Maybe it's her eyes?
Her face?
Her cologne?
Her small hands?
Idk .
Ugh why am I thinking about her ???
Frustrated I went and walked over to the large window in my room staring directly at the moon in the sky .
What would she be doing right now?

I wondered filling my eyes with the moon's beauty.
Even though it's cloudy ,still the moon shines looking the prettiest.
Just like that ,she's the moon for me and whenever I look at her everything becomes cloudy and I only see her .

A week later:-

Y/n's POV:
I got dressed and got to school.
All thanks to Jay who came to pick me up early in the morn and made my boring bus ride a fun one .
Not gonna lie but he helped me alot last week , right now my leg is all good .
I asked him why is he doing soo much for me but he just brushed it off saying that it's just a small thing .
But he doesn't have any idea that the things he's doing thinking that's it's a small deal ,he's actually making me fall for him .

Oh does he has any idea about the butterflies he gives me just by his presence?

A/n's POV:
You slapped yourself when you caught yourself lost in his thoughts and zoned out from the reality .
"Better focus on the lecture Y/n"
You mumbled to yourself before pushing all your focus on the teacher teaching in the classroom until.....
You heard someone calling your name from outside the window.
You looked out of the window and found out that it was none other than Jay who was jumping while shaking his hands loosely yet vigorously in the air trying to get your attention.


Jay shouted from outside the window standing in the school's ground making you roll your eyes .
You looked at the teacher who was busy writing something in the board so you carefully turned a bit towards the window and formed a cross from your hands showing him as a sign that you can't come but that idiot kept on shouting.

He again shouted pissing you off but again you formed a cross sign from your hands and showed him vigorously.

"Miss Y/L/N get out of my class"
The teacher shouted straight at you as you lowered your head and walked out of the classroom and stood outside in punishment.

"Freaking shit" you cussed standing outside the classroom as your back rested on the wall till you saw a familiar figure walking closer to you waving his hand and you again rolled your eyes at him.

"Yah ! Stop rolling your eyes at me" Jay stated now pissed by your action.

" No I won't,bish you freaking got me into this shitty punishment,why did you had to call me at that damn moment?"

You said once again rolling your eyes at him and he rolled his eyes at you too.

"Okay I'm sorry ,there are still 25 minutes till this class ends ,come lets go"
He said grabbing your wrist not letting you question anything as he dragged you out of that hallway and took you to their music room where Enhypen does their rehearsals.
Till now you were quite pissed by him but as soon as you looked at the guitar hung on the left peach coloured wall all your anger washed away and you walked closer to the guitar tracing it's strings with your fingers completely ignoring the shook Jay who stood behind you.

Y/n's POV:
"You know how to play guitar ?"
Jay asked shock laced in his tone and I just nodded as a reply .

"Can I play it ? Please please please pleaseeeee"
I pleaded with puppy eyes and he just chuckled before taking the guitar off of the wall and handing it over to me.
Licking my lips as a smile came on them ,I started strumming to a random melody l produced myself when I was 13 .
After I completed playing the melody I found Jay looking at me with an expression which was a mix of surprise and shock .

"You play soo gooooooodddddddd!!!!"
He praised as a little blush krept on my cheeks.

"Thanks" I replied before raising my brows at him nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Do you wanna say something?"
I asked as I felt like he has something to say.

"Yeah...uh...Y/n can you please teach me guitar , please please please please please"

A low chuckled escaped my lips and I nodded .
"Sure I can ,soooooo be at my house sharp at 6 pm "
I said standing up and putting the guitar back at its place before walking out ready for my detention.

The last part of this imagine will be posted tomorrow!!

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