He finished up quite quickly. Of course even if Mafuyu had told him he didn't mind if he took his time, he still didn't want to make him wait even longer then he already had, and of course, the look on the ginger's face when he announced he was done was priceless. He wanted to take a picture and keep it forever, in his wallet so he could look (stare) at it for a few minutes (hours) a day. He knew how much Mafuyu could make him smile, and he would do anything to be able to see his face every day.

No, that's not true. He did see his face every day, but if he could have a picture.. he would be able to smile endlessly while looking at it, knowing no one would be looking at him. Maybe letting his emotions out a little bit would be nice. Of course, he already smiled way too much while thinking of him before going to sleep, but a picture? Of that cute expression he held on his face? That would be the dream.

Uenoyama took out a piece of paper and a pencil to put it in front of his boyfriend's knees. "I already have a melody, so if you want to listen to it, comment on it and maybe write a little bit?" he said as he turned around to face his boyfriend. Mafuyu happily accepted and took the crayon in his hand. "We could write something together," he suggested in a low voice as he started scribbling small hearts in the corner of the piece of lined paper.

"Yeah sure," Uenoyama replied, not so sure. "I'm not a great songwriter though," he said, almost shyly. "You were always the one gifted with words you know."

Mafuyu nodded, agreeing. "But I want to write something with you , something we wrote together you know?"

Uenoyama stayed still, not knowing what to say. He loudly swallowed before nodding. All right, they had come to an agreement, now they actually had to do the songwriting part. That was going to be fun. Uenoyama started playing the few chords he had in mind, humming a melody. He focused on his hands, making sure he was playing the right notes, but he could feel Mafuyu staring. It wasn't unusual, but the feeling in his stomach he got every time he would catch his boyfriend looking was overwhelming. It made him feel so loved.

"Are you nervous?" Mafuyu suddenly asked out of the blue. Uenoyama looked at him, puzzled. Has his anxiety gotten the best of him? Was it that obvious he was struggling to keep his nerves down?

"No!" he tried and failed to say confidently. His eyes shifted from his guitar to his partner, he might have looked like he was a lost puppy for a second.

Mafuyu didn't say anything at first. He lifted himself up to his knees and moved himself next to his boyfriend. He gently took the strap off of his shoulder and took the guitar, placing it back in its case. He dragged his paper and pencil along with him and leaned on his boyfriend's shoulder. He started scribbling a few words as the ideas passed by.

Uenoyama took a shaky hand and placed it on Mafuyu's waist, letting his head fall to rest on top of his boyfriend's incredibly soft hair. He smiled at the feeling, his stomach calming down a little bit.

"I really liked the melody," Mafuyu said, showing Uenoyama his piece of paper. "How about this?" he said as he tapped the paper with the back of his pencil, starting to humm out the melody soon after adding the words he had written down.

Uenoyama couldn't resist when his boyfriend was signing, and he waited until he was done before taking his free hand, placing it on Mafuyu's chin and slowly raising it up, their eyes meeting. Mafuyu gave his boyfriend a knowing nod, and their lips met. It was a soft kiss, one the both of them had been clearly craving. The raven haired boy's lips moved ever so slightly against his partner's ones, and they were both down deep, completely hypnotized by the feeling of the other.

Mafuyu raised his hand up to rest it against Uenoyama's back, pulling him closer. Soon after, they pulled apart, and just in time at that. They heard a knock at the door and without warning, Yayoi opened it revealing herself. Uenoyama and Mafuyu luckily had time to pull apart and rest their back on the bed, Uenoyama pulling his guitar back on his lap.

"Oh I see where this is going," Yayoi sighed with a smirk. She placed down a plate of cookies on the desk along with two cups of tea. "Have fun you two!" she said as she exited the room, closing the door behind her. Shit, their lips were probably swollen, that was how she figured it out. Uenoyama passed a hand on his lips, just to make sure they weren't that bad.

Luckily for him, they didn't seem swollen at all, and taking a glance at Mafuyu, neither were his. He sighed in relief. Maybe she meant it differently after all.

Mafuyu went back to work, writing the lyrics with his boyfriend, only when Uenoyama regained consciousness that is, and after two hours of scribbling, signing, and of course making out, they had finished the whole thing. It was quite iffy, it had only been a real song for less than a few hours at most, so they weren't bothered by it at all.

"What should we name it?" Uenoyama asked.


Mafuyu spoke firmly, and confidently.

"I think that's perfect," Uenoyama answered, a red blush across his cheeks.


It's a start of a new beginning, just you and me,

Take a leap in because I'm falling deep,

It's the start of a new beginning, just follow me,

Well rewrite our whole story, all you have to do is trust me.

Look in the horizon, the sun is setting,

But the night is bound to be our fortress,

Incredible things only we can see,

The fallen stars are a sign of distress.

Morning rain graciously drops on us,

When the sun rises up to the sky,

The beautiful sight like paradise,

We can no longer see the fireflies.

It's a start of a new beginning, just you and me,

Take a leap in because I'm falling deep,

It's the start of a new beginning, just follow me,

Well rewrite our whole story, all you have to do is trust me.

During the day we could sleep through the chaos,

Looking at the clock ticking on the wall,

If we let the world be while the sun is up,

The world will be ours at nightfall.

It's a start of a new beginning, just you and me,

Take a leap in because I'm falling deep,

It's the start of a new beginning, just follow me,

Well rewrite our whole story, all you have to do is trust me.

Beginnings - MafuYamaWhere stories live. Discover now