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I wrote this for my best friend's birthday.  @l0sEr08e  Happy birthday!! I love you I hope you enjoy this!


Uenoyama plugged his headphones into his guitar. Strumming a few chords to get the feel of it, before taking them off again. He looked to his side, his ginger haired boyfriend sitting next to him on his knees, a shy smile across his lips, clearly excited.

School had been rough on them lately, they had just finished exams and a new semester was starting soon. Luckily, they had the weekend to rest and do things they loved. Therefore, the both of them obviously had to play a few songs together, because music is what they loved most, not including each other of course.

Uenoyama had invited Mafuyu over during the day, and after getting interrogated by his sister, they found themselves in the raven haired boy's room. Uenoyama had opened his guitar case, silent, not knowing what to say. Both had an unspoken agreement they would hangout to do something at least somewhat related to music, even if they didn't talk about it on text. It was just who they were, music obsessed idiots.

Uenoyama made himself comfortable, leaning against his bed, patting the spot next to him, indicating to his partner to come and sit there. Mafuyu happily complied and sat next to him, clearly debating putting his head on Uenoyama's shoulder. Uenoyama was about to take his head and put it on his own shoulder, but he stopped himself, remembering he was about to tune his guitar, meaning his shoulder would be moving up and down a lot. He didn't want his boyfriend to be uncomfortable.

He slightly pouted at the lack of physical contact, but it was barely visible. He began to tune his guitar as fast as he could. He wanted to jump right into actually playing it, and not listening to a large amount of off key notes before actually hearing the right one.

"Uenoyama-kun?" Mafuyu said in a low voice as the dark haired teen was on the third string. It was the first thing he had said to him all day. When he entered the house, he bowed to Yayoi and listened to all her questions, but Uenoyama was the one answering everything, mostly telling his elder sister to shut up, fuck off and leave them alone. Mafuyu had barely opened his mouth to breathe the whole time.

Hearing his boyfriend's voice, his head shot to the side, his eyes wide. "Yes?" he asked, concerned. He could barely hide the grim from his face as his whole body shifted to the side to listen to his boyfriend's words.

"Couldn't you have tuned your guitar before I arrived?" he asked, nonchalantly. Ahh, Mafuyu and his bluntness, cute bluntness, but he was still incredibly straightforward and honest. Uenoyama's smile dropped a little at the comment, but he kept his composure. It was true, he could have taken out his guitar fifteen minutes early and tuned it before Mafuyu arrived at his place, but he hadn't thought about it until Mafuyu said it. Well shit.

"Ahh shit sorry dude," he muttered, turning back to his guitar. "It'll just take me a few more minutes okay?" he said, trying to go even faster than before without making mistakes.

Mafuyu shook his head energetically, "No, take your time, I don't mind," he said quietly, shifting his position to sit on his knees once again. Uenoyama liked to compare his partner to a cat. When he was happy, he could almost see a tail wagging behind him, and his big orange eyes that grew even larger when he was happy along with his mouth, usually shut, anyone could compare him to a cat. His eyebrows would shoot upwards as his eyes would widen, he resembled a very cute and small animal. He was just that adorable.

"Right," Uenoyama said, calming down and taking his time to finish the last two strings. Mafuyu only nodded, his large eyes still staring at his boyfriend's hands in admiration.

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