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Start from the beginning

You rolled your eyes though you weren't bad at English or essays. You just hated writing them "thanks for the heads up I guess, but I'll be fine" you reached in your back pocket showing them a Hershey's chocolate while smirking.

Billy chuckled at that, he probably would have just skipped class.

Freddy huffed out a small laugh "candy? Wow almost like your own personal superhero" Freddy spoke with slight enthusiasm and slight sarcasm completely ignoring the glare Billy sent his way.

You furrowed your eyebrow but didn't say anything due to the rising tension in the air. Freddy said something again bringing your attention back "I for one know a guy who can do things cooler than that"

Billy glared intensified you didn't think that it could, "well I for one know that we should get going" billy intersected bitterness in his tone.

He grabbed Freddy's shoulder leading him away not before looking at you at speaking "Bye y/n".

Freddy looked at him then turned his head to you in defeat his curls bounce as he hobbled away he waved his hand in a quick motion before turning his attention back to billy.

You see them start to talk but more like whisper argue since they were walking away. You couldn't hear due to the other students in the halls as they made their way to class.

You stood there briefly in confusion on what that was about but shrugged your shoulders deciding that it was best to let it go, while placing your chocolate bar back in your pocket.

The loud school bell rang indicating the warning bell before you were tardy, you made your way to class.

After sitting down and getting your notebook out, you listen as the teacher goes on and on about different prompts your essay can be about.

You started to daydream blocking about what was happening around you.

What peaked your interest was that the topic was superhero based, of  course it was. You watched as your peers began to work diligently and you turned around to gaze at the empty paper in front of you.

You lightly tapped the desk with your mechanical pencil ranking your brain for ideas but you had none.

Not unless you write about the new superhero in town as much as you didn't want to, other people are probably doing that you second guessed.

But it couldn't hurt right..? as you began writing down details and your favorite things about the red cyclone-billy-the man in red, you smiled at your work.

Since Ms Elliot wanted it to look decent and a little accurate to an essay format but she allowed all of you to draw small things on the side, at the bottom or on the back.

You sketched the hero several times, even small things like the bright yellow lighting bolt emblem on his chest, his white cape, his good belt or his bulging muscles against his skin tight red suit.

You wrote down everything you knew and everything you wanted to know. This guy was full of mysteries and god-like powers yet he still can't fly at least that's what you heard him admit not even two days ago.

You smiled upon rereading what you put and fixing some spelling mistakes and capitalization.

You didn't realize that time went by fast as the bell rang to transition to your next class. You turned in your work. Proud that you filled the page up as you walked to your next class.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐇,      ❪ SHAZAM! ❫ Where stories live. Discover now