🎆🍵Lantern Rite🍷🎆

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The dark night sky that was once scattered with stars is now flooded with millions of golden floating lanterns that lighten the night sky in Liyue Harbour. They float in the direction no one knows where they're destined but they follow the gentle harbor breeze. The city is buzzing with noise, the citizens enjoy each other's company as well as listening to the music festival. Xinyan and Hu Tao's performance gathered the young and old as they all united. A special guest from Fontaine, Dvorak, traveled to Liyue to share his love and inspiration for his music. As the melody flowed through every corner of the city it was impossible to escape the beauty and joy the city was having on Lantern Rite.

Some would spend their time in the streets watching the colorful fireworks explode in the sky, some would gather in the local restaurant to eat with friends and strangers and some.. ahem.. Hu Tao, wanted to bring new and old friends together.

As Zhongli sits with everyone, at the round table filled with colorful luxurious dishes, they were atlast ready to start eating until an unexpected whistling of wind, and a voice was heard :

"seeds of story, brought by the wind-"

"and cultivated by time!" Paimon finished the verse concerned how she knew. Everyone looked at Hu Tao thinking that she must have forgotten that she had invited yet another guest, but to everyone's surprise Hu Tao had the same confused expression as everybody else.

The wind gushed in the room filling it with fresh air and a figure appeared through the slammed open doors. Everyone looked at the unexpected guest, some having a confused expression and some with a surprised one. It was none other than the Tone-Deaf-Bard, Venti. His contagious smile made some smile unconsciously and some blush by his overwhelming radiant personality.

As introductions were made, Venti found himself seated between Xiao and his old friend, Morax. Venti couldn't help but glimpse at the taller man as he found it nostalgic seeing him such a long time ago in person. The air around Morax was calm and grounded but for some reason it also felt as if he was untouchable, Venti quickly looked away when he was almost caught by his golden sight.

Venti speaks to Xingqiu as he tries to break any awkward barrier, and wants to show who he is acquainted to. Zhongli feels left out as he notices what Venti is trying to do...

"Ahem... could this new guest be Master Xingqius' friend?" Zhongli asks, being 'oblivious' of Venti's identity. He finally looks at the small bard to only see Venti's cocky smirk, at this moment Zhongli wanted to throw a mountain at him, like right now. The traveler mentions that he has met Venti before and the bard continues on stating that he has talked to Xiao not long ago. Xiao lightly blushed at the mention of his name and he found himself stuttering with a simple answer "...yes,yes".

Xiao explains where he has recently seen the bard, avoiding any suspicion of him knowing Ventis' existence way before anyone's birth. As Xiao finishes his story Zhongli had a face of disappointment, "I understand now, too" He said under his breath linking all the puzzles to why Venti is here.

Zhongli now knew it was the perfect opportunity to introduce his new identity as Venti has now stated himself as a bard. He turns his head looking directly at Venti's turquoise eyes that resemble the Luhua pool, he feels comforted not only by the color but how they are familiar to him.

" I'm Zhongli, currently working at the Wansheng Funeral Parlor. It's a pleasure to meet you, new friend." He felt a sting in his heart as he referred to someone he knew all his life as a new friend, unless this was a chance to restart their relationship at better terms. They couldn't pull their stare away from each other until Hu Tao mentioned how she is his boss and if there's anything wrong he does Venti can always report it to her. Venti laughs under his breath at the idea of Zhongli having a boss. He not only compliments Hu Tao for having high standards for who she hires but also states that she has made the right choice, saying that he gives Zhongli a gentle smile.

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