Let's Talk Declawing Animals

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So, I know and understand everyone has their own views and/or opinions on getting their animals -- More specifically, their cats declawed. Some reasons people want to get their cats declawed is so they wouldn't scratch up their furniture or babies/kids. Well, those are the only reasons I've personally heard about. 

Now, I do NOT agree with this at all. If you really do some research to know what you're about to put your innocent kitten or cat into, you will find out that not only is it completely unnecessary, but also extremely painful and forever harmful. Everyone should know that you're not just getting their nails out, it's also their joints that allows them to move their toes. Think of it this way, getting your cat declawed is equivalent to a human getting the first two indexes on your fingers cut off. 

Declawing your kitten/cats will cause paw pain, infection in their toes, their tissues will die as time goes on, they will have extreme back pain, and lameness. Now, after being declawed some cats might heal okay, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are okay or they aren't struggling or in pain. Cats are very smart and sometimes hide how they are feeling. Those aren't the only side effects of declawing. There are so much more like life long depression, anxiety, stress and fear. 

Now onto my personal comments.

Some of my family members keep trying to argue with me and say that declawing them isn't wrong and that it's perfectly okay to declaw cats. Now, don't get me wrong, they can have their opinions. But I just want them to at the very least learn what it's doing to the cats. I want them to at least know and understand what pain they are going to cause them forever. I am very caring for humans, animals, and all living things. So, just thinking about people still taking their cats to get declawed kills me. Thinking about all the pain and suffering these poor cats are going through hurts. Why would someone put their animal, their pet through that?? It makes me wonder if they truly care or love their animals. Because if they did, they wouldn't put their cats into so much lifelong pain and suffering, right? Just because they don't want their precious furniture scratched at?? Here's a quote from my aunt. 

"I got her declawed because I don't want her messing up my furniture."

Very inhumane. 

Let me tell you this, I've seen her cat. I gave her that cat that she decided to put through declawing and she is miserable. She's scared to play or come by humans. It's just horrible.

What are your thoughts? Are you Pro-Declaw or against it?

Thank you for reading, friends!

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    --Tay xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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