•Chapter 8• Damn it Landerson

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(Damn bitch. Okay okay I'm not worried because of all the notifications what the hell😟. Also this story is HELLA unrealistic but Tae young doesnt exist either so you don't have a say in complaining. Oh yea I also apologize for not posting lmao I got school, scared to post, and life itself. gotta lot of celebrations(bdays) to prepare for happy cny btw.)

After school I wave goodbye to Mika as she walks to the subway. I walk home thinking about the letter and tickets. First off
How do they know I like 4Town?
Second off.
How do they know me and Mika?
Third off.
Why would they do that for a stranger? Or do they know me?
And finally
Who the hell are they?!

I can’t help but think of the letter…. Are they stalking me? I don’t have many friends actually. Just Mika and I guess the 4 girls but they’re just acquaintances. I have Marla and Tristan. But they don’t go to my school and they’re way older. Marla’s in college… and Tristan’s about to graduate. So who the hell is it? Maybe it’s that one quiet kid in our class…

FLASHBACK (ooooo woah quiet kid 🤭)

I drove by your house 10,000 times last year. Nobody else wanted to dry my tears…

I turned my music up alone at lunch because Mika was sick and didn’t warn me. (😒) “Hey you know everyone’s staring at you right? Heh glad I’m not in your situation.” I looked up and realised everyone’s looking at me. “Oh come on, one of you has got to like 4Town right?” The black haired kid who spoke to me speaks again.
“That’s not really what they’re judging you on but think whatever.” Everyone left giggling and shit while the guy in front of me opened his lunch which was spaghetti and started twirling it.
I turn my music off.
“Why are you sitting with me?”
He looked up from his spaghetti and put it down. “Well those popular kids took my damn seat by ‘‘accident’’ and I would sit with my younger brother but you know how some 13 year old emo kids are. I don’t know if he’s like that but I’m not finding out.” He took his spaghetti and started eating. (Someone guess who his brother is.)

“Never seen you before, you new here?” I asked, bored. He laughed and replied, “I’ve been in your class for 3 years and you’ve REALLY never seen me before?” I look directly into his hazel eyes. “You’re Leo Sean. That quiet kid who barely says a word. I’ve never seen you present?” I say.
“I only present in front of the teacher alone after class, well there was one time I wasn’t so lucky and that’s the time people actually heard me.” (Me a year ago. Good times good times.)

“Sooo you plan to kill the whole school or some shit?”
“No, I'm not a murderer. I think. Does killing a cat by accident count?”
Creepy af dude red flag red flag.
“I see you’re interested in 4Town.”
“Yea what about it bro.”
“Don’t tell anyone shit but they are pretty cool.”
I look at him, eyes widening.
Nvm this dude is cool.
“Well, I’m done bye y/n l/n.” (I would just like to say he took one bite and left 😭)
He packed his stuff and left me. Before he left however I shouted something at him,
People started staring at me but who cares?


Okay okay might be him. He’s the stalker type you know? Actually no he’s not dammit. “Who the hell would stalk someone like me?! Fucking creepy man..”
I arrived back home and thank god that my parents weren’t here. I slam the tickets on my dinner table, set my bag down and fall face first on my bed. “Who would do such a thing bro. I guess it’s hot? idk anymore.” I fell unconscious by accident thinking about the stupid letter.

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