My brother who was replica of my parents who hated injustice and lies but unfortunately now he is walking in path of injustice and telling lies with me. I clearly know that not for once my brother searched for me wholeheartedly because if he had did he could have found me easily long back but he dint did that and now he is even asking me to not become police officer only because he doesn't want me to avenge our parents death that means only one thing and that is he knows who is the culprit of our parents and still he is doing this to just save that scoundrel.

Being a son and a brother how can he do this  no no he is not my brother my brother was never like this

“Wow MR.Raj you proved that your intelligent and not buddhu like how I and Priyu thought yes your right I have a different motive behind joining department and that is to destroy the person who killed my parents and snatched away you and the truthfulness you had and belive me that I will do that at any cost till then get ready to save the person whom your trying to save from me but at any cost I will hunt down him and make sure that he will curse his own existence on this earth” I shouted on him and ran away from room while crying without stopping.

Vennela's P.O.V Ends



“Hey Muddu what happened my bunny why are you crying ” I was consoling Muddu who was crying hysterically in my arms from past twenty minutes after returning from discussion with Raj. What did he said that hurted my queen.

Listening to her cries is churning my heart. Which words of Raj has hurted her so much that she is crying contunesly. As far as I know about Raj he can never hurt his Kanda knowingly or unknowingly then why is she crying so badly and I can't even stop her from crying as I don't know what is bothering her.

Raj was so happy in morning and even while we were cooking. When I said about the way me and Muddu spent last night he was so happy for us and honestly I have never seen him being that happy but when I shared about Muddu's dream his face expression changed from happiness to worried one when we were going for shopping of  books Raj stopped us and took Muddu with him to discuss something personally and what kind of discussion they had that made my Muddu upset.

Muddu now will you say what that Gadhida (Donkey)brother of you said that made you cry or should I go and trash him so that he will only say what happened between you both ” I asked Muddu while breaking the hug and cupping her face in stern voice. I can never be angry on my buddy whatever he might do but today seeing my muddu crying and realising that Raj might be reason for her tears is only is enough for me to get mad on him also.

Did by any chance that Gadhidha said what he said to me while cooking if yes then that idiot is going to get nicely from me for hurting my muddu.

He is not saying anything and that is only making me sad ” She said while still crying making me confused about what she is saying and somewhere I felt that it is connected to the accident I did thirteen years back pushing me to the pool of guilt. “ ar..e y...ou ” I asked her feeling nervous and praying to almighty that my guess should be wrong.

Yes I don't know what it is but Anna is definitely hiding something from me something that he knows and something that he thinks I should not know " She said to me in impatient voice and what should I do now even after knowing what Raj is hiding from her I can't say to her or not I can solve her problem even when I have solution to her problems. Two days back only, I promised to myself that I would never let a single drop of tear to fall from her eyes and now I am helplessly holding her in my arms while she is crying so badly even when I can confess everything to her and end her problems but no I am not doing that and letting her to cry what a sore looser I am.

Muddu if he is saying something then there might be some valid reason right pl..” I was saying Muddu to not misunderstand him but she stopped me from taking and harshly wiped her tears.

Your his bestfriend right how can you notice fault in him you will support him only and ask me follow him blindly in whatever he says right but mind you Ja...” She was still blabbering nonsense and I stopped her talking. How can she even think that I will not support her. I will always support her and choose her even if she is standing against me. if bhava as not took promise from me and blackmailed me I would have already confessed everything to her by now but now I can't confess anything.

Yes Raj is my bestfriend and whatever he does I will always find it right because he can never be wrong. I am not saying this because he is my bestfriend and I should always support him but I am saying this because I have seen Raj growing as a person in front of my eyes and till this day I have never seen him doing anything wrong yes sometimes we might find him being harsh and taking wrong decision but trust me whatever he does would always end up being right but at the same time I won't let him to take decision for you. You will do what you want and in your own terms and no one will stop you or no-one can stop you because I will always stand by you and with even if I have to go against the world for you  now wipe your tears and say what he said to you did by any chance he asked you to not take admission for coaching” I asked  Muddu while looking straight into her eyes. And this is what exactly I am going to do I will support Muddu in whatever she wants in and even if it's going against my bestfriend because for me nothing else matters more then her happiness not even my existence that is what my love is for her.


So this was fifteenth chapter and I think you people liked it

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Kelebek's Magic 🦋🪄

Kelebek's Magic 🦋🪄

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