"Morgan?" Hayley questioned.

"Morgan Poldark, he is the Alpha of the North East Atlantic Pack. Nik won't be taking over as Alpha until he is comfortable with his wolf or seeing the pack dynamics and how they work, which is wise," Finn smiled, "He is certainly a different Nik to Five Centuries ago," Finn informed her with a touch of pride to his tone.

"Oh," Hayley replied surprised, one, that she didn't know this about Klaus's plans and what had been happening, which meant Elijah was out of the loop and two, it meant Finn had spoken to Klaus and she still hadn't.

"I discussed this with Niklaus. He likes the idea of a School here. He told me he would never send any of his future children to Mystic Falls to be taught again," Hayley's stomach churned at the thought of Klaus having kids with someone else and the fact that all his siblings just accepted this without doubt, "Freya and Vincent like the idea and Davina loves the idea even putting herself up for head of the witch department. Kol also wants to install dark objects and black magic classes for the Senior student witches of the School. Seeing as the Salvatore school keeps their students in the dark about such magic, which does not help them at all when it comes to defensive magic or dealing with unknown monsters, Kol has a great deal of knowledge with both, he would be a worthy addition to the staff."

"Yeah I understand that from watching the movie of our lives. Ho... the kids at the Salvatore School seemed to be playing catch up all the time and if it hadn't been for..... well they would have been in trouble," Hayley faltered.

Finn could see Hayley was upset and he felt for the woman but he also understood Niklaus and this issue of having Hope again. He knew to stay well away from this subject. From what he had learnt from the females of the family and their discussion around Hayley and Niklaus on the issue of having or in this case not having Hope again. Hayley's reluctant to accept Niklaus not wanting to have Hope again. Finn would let the women deal with the Hayley and Niklaus subject and remain impartial. "Kol was always scathing of the Salvatore curriculum. I would teach physical and mental combat much like the children of my time learnt. Viking combat and skills and war tactics, it makes for strong wolf or witch warriors and I would be Head of the school. I was hoping you would be head of the werewolf department?" He asked her.

"I would like that Finn," Hayley glanced over as she drove, a genuine smile on her lips, "Elizabeth has asked me to be her beta and I think that she and the supernatural kids of New Orleans would benefit from a Mikaelson run School," Hayley replied sincerely.

Hayley walked into Rousseau's early for the Faction meeting seeing the pub had been closed to the public. Marcel had inherited the bar from Josh after his death at the hands of Greta Sienna's nazi followers and Hayley looked up. So life-like and beautiful, there was an oil painting. Captivating her attention above the bar of Josh and Aiden, it was a stunning painting.

"That is the only object that has not disappeared that was Hope's, done by her talented hand," Marcel said to Hayley quietly standing at her side and tears came to Hayley's eyes and she turned to Marcel, he put an arm around her shoulder, "I don't know why it has remained here when everything else of hers has disappeared, nor does Freya or Vincent have an explanation, but this is a reminder that our Hope lived and was here," Marcel told her huskily.

"I feel so desperate Marcel, as though I am transparent you know?" And he nodded sympathetically at the beautiful brunette.

"Try to move on Hayley. You have the man you love, let that be enough for now. You have your pack, your wolves and you have the Mikaelson family. You are our sister in law and we all love you," Marcel stated, "You can come here anytime and gaze at the painting, it gives me comfort to see her handiwork here," Marcel admitted.

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