A World of Trouble|| Lo'ak Sully x Oc

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Hello all :) i dont know if I'll really update this much this is kind of just a loose thing. We'll see.

18+ content, but ik most of you arent 18, and neither am I, so I won't judge nor care.

Please read the trigger warnings in the description for the story, and do not read if any of them will make you uncomfortable in any way. I may add trigger warnings before chapters that contain them, but most will apply majorly to the story.

Hate will be deleted, and won't effect me either way anyway.

Thank you for reading

Adios for now

Also some pages will be pretty short. I'm very bad at long pages.

A World of Trouble|| Lo'ak Sully x OcUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum