Chapter XIII. Being A Lannister

Start from the beginning

Myros says "__to feed themselves without help"

Bash says "They just started"

Rhea approaches Monterys Velaryon to watch.

Larissa commands the five dragons "Dracarys. Dracarys" The dragons spit forth a small flame that cooks the raw meat before him. All the room clap and laugh and applaud. He eats "They'll be able to feed themselves from now on."

Rhea smiles "Enough training for today, Larissa"

Monterys says "Let them sleep, Maester"

Myros says "Yes, my lord"

Kenna asks Daella "Which one is yours?"

Daella says "No idea the dragon who chooses his rider"


Lyanna POV

In King's Landing, The main dining room. Lord Tywin Lannister asked the family to have dinner together. We gather around the table to eat. The head of the table Tywin Lannister. In the right side Cersei, Tommen, Joffrey and Genna. On the left side Jaime, I, Sansa and Tyrion. Genna smiles "What a happy moment for the family"

Tywin says "Yes, My son is back safely with his wife"

Jaime smiles with a nod.

Tyrion raised his cup "For them"

We raised our cups. Tywin says "Lyanna, Jaime told me the man who did this to his hand died, you killed him"

Sansa stares at her plate and then turns to me. All eyes widen at me.

I laugh nervously "What not the first one I killed"

Tommen says "You always say killing someone is wrong and if you don't believe in morals it's at least behavior that deserves punishment. That your words"

I say "Well we were under hard conditions, I changed"

Sansa says "A life over a hand!"

Tyrion says "I am sure there is a good reason"

Joffrey smirks "How?"

I confused "Pardon me"

"How did you kill him?"

Cersei says "I am sure we should not talk about murder here or now"

"I want to know"

I look at Tywin and he nods at me "I pushed him into his bear pit" looking at Jaime "Then take a lantern and throw it at him and he burned"

Tywin says "You get revenge"

"Yes, I did"

Joffrey says "Wow, you burned him, Uncle always said he has slain the mad king for burning people what he would do to you?"

Jaime gives him an angry look "Nothing, nephew"

Genna says "Could we talk about something else"

Tywin says "Well done, Lyanna" 

I nod with a fake smile.


In King's Landing, In our chamber. I am getting ready for the feast that made for Jaime to back home safely while Greer is here wearing with me. Jaime takes Snow to settle in the other room next to us as it's not safe to be with us in our room because everyone loves to enter without knocking.

 Jaime takes Snow to settle in the other room next to us as it's not safe to be with us in our room because everyone loves to enter without knocking

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