Random Fantasy Character

151 4 39

Name: Kit Ridley

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: He initially has shortish light brown hair that often gets into his eyes, it's fairly straight. He also has sky blue eyes, he's fairly lanky and stands about 6 foot. He has dark circles under his eyes that get more prominent as he goes onto his quest (As the story I'm working on progresses his hair gets a bit longer, long enough to be put into a small ponytail and he gets cursed)



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Clothes: Kit wears a white t-shirt with a small pocket on the front with dark grey jeans with both knees ripped

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Clothes: Kit wears a white t-shirt with a small pocket on the front with dark grey jeans with both knees ripped. He also wears a pair of old boots. Sometimes he is seen with a brown utility jacket and is always seen with a knitted yellow hat with some black stripes on it (It was given to him by his mother right before she got sick. He's sometimes seen with a pair of skull earrings but it depends on when he's seen. He has a pair of black gloves with the fingers cut off. He wears a small ring, it's pretty low quality but it was made by his beloved. It's either on his ring finger on a necklace

Personality: Kit is a complete optimist, he believes that everyone has good in them and has hope for the world no matter what. He's also extremely sweet and even a bit awkward, but don't let this fool you, he's fairly aware of the world but still maintains this hope. He's also fairly sensitive but this fades as time goes on.

Strengths: Don't let this boy's appearance fool you, he's actually fairly strong. He's also fairly skilled in sewing and can cook a bit, but not too well

Weaknesses: He's human, with the adventure that he's currently on he can be killed fairly easy. (He's fairly malnourished and can't sleep well while on his adventure)

Backstory: Kit was born and raised in a small village learning everything through his mother, his mum got sick when he was around 15. He started working at the local tavern to make money to support the two of them, but his mother ended up dying a year later. He lived for the next two years on his own just supporting himself and helping out whenever he was needed.

This schedule was interrupted when he met a girl named Ophelia who had randomly moved into the town rather suddenly, the niece of the metal shop owner. The two were really close for a couple months when she seemingly disappeared without a trace. It ended up being that she was taken by the cult that she was trying to escape that worshipped a strange deity, not wanting to see his beloved in danger, he set out to find her. The trip will be dangerous but he's willing to risk it if it's for her.

Tools: Right now he owns a slingshot he uses as a weapon and six darts. He has a clearly worn satchel and a small water flask. He has very little money.

Some Fun Facts

- Calls Ophelia his beloved, barely uses her actual name unless things are serious

- Boy doesn't know how to take care of himself too well

- Always forgets to dress for the winter, he just wears his jacket no matter what. (Also keep in mind it's fairly thin so if it's snowing it's extremely ineffective to protect him from the cold)

- When he's just around his home village he wears a green and black flannel instead of his jacket

- During his quest, he makes sure to talk with every person he meets, he loves to hear about how different their experiences are

- The boy is always humming and singing while walking or on his journey, the boy is just trying to make the best out of his life

- He's more than willing to give up mostly anything else, except for his hat and his ring, that's the only things he will hold onto for the rest of his life

- He loves baked goods, especially muffins, give him a muffin and he'll be your best friend

- His favorite food is this sandwich from the Tavern he works at, he doesn't know why but it never tastes the same outside of there

- The owner of the tavern is a father-figure to him, he gave him a job and somewhere to stay.

- Calls mostly everyone by sir or ma'am, it was something he was taught when he was younger

- He just...doesn't have a father, his mother never mentioned his dad so he just assumed he didn't have one

- As his journey progresses he gets more bandages on his face, he gets hurt pretty often

- Despite everything that happens, he tries to keep a smile on his face,

- People believe he's blessed by the gods because of how lucky he is, the fact he's survived this long is a miracle (It's because he's the son of the god of luck, but he doesn't actually know this)

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