Blacks and their parties

Start from the beginning

"Thanks! You think everything turned out ok?" She looks at me like I've gone crazy "did it..girl you out did yourself! Everything looks spectacular!" I smile as I watch the kids run around watching Molly the second, Teddy, victorie, and Mia who are all now five run around in circles. {Y'all idk their actual ages rn so bare with me. It's just a fanfiction.}

When I walked in there was a knock on my door, I opened it, it was the post man. "Does an Amelia Black live here?" I nod he gives me a package "tell her I said happy birthday!" I tell him thank you opening the package it was a crochet bunny and when I opened the card my heart dropped and I couldn't breathe. "GEORGE!" He comes running into the kitchen and sees the box "did we forget a present...what's wrong?" He walks over and looks at the card. Looking at me and looking in the box he closes it. "Where and when did you get this?" I sigh wiping my eyes "just now.. George if we let her see this her nightmares will come back and I can't give her's from her abuser. They do this type of stuff all the time. I've seen it! What are we going to do? I don't want her to hate me."

He shakes his head "she's not, because she won't know about it." He says walking out with the box "what do you.." He walks out and throws the box I got in the trash. "If she ever asks we can tell her, but I doubt she will." I hug him tightly to me as I feel tears fall down my cheeks. He picks my head up in his hands "he's never going to get our baby, do you understand me." I nod he leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back.

"Hey we were looking for you guys! Some romantic scenery huh...right there by the trash can?" I freeze and wipe my eyes turning around to Ginny and Harry. We walk in while they look at us weird "what's going on you two you would've cracked jokes about that." I shake my head walking inside to get to my baby. They both look up at George "the abuser sent her a birthday present..." their jaws drop and he walks away to find his little family. Some how during the party Tilly was covered in paint. I just stared at her as she happily walks around "who is washing the dog?" Harry asks with a smile George and I look at each other and point. Harry laughs shaking his head. "Okay child or dog pick your pick.." I was first to answer "child!" George's shoulders slump "she's a little dog George" he sighs with a smile wrapping his arms around me as we watch the kids do their cupcakes. "Yes but the hair takes so long to blow dry..." when I walk inside there was another knock when I walk over I look out the peep hole and see a familiar bleach blonde.

"Hi Dragon! Come on in!" Draco smiles kissing my cheek "sorry I'm late" I wave my hand "you right on time they just got done painting and are now decorating their cupcake.
Where's Astoria and Cissy?" I ask him as we walk outside. "Mother was feeling ill so Astoria stayed with her." I give him a sympathy look and a hug "I'm sorry Draco, I hope she feels better." He hugging me back "me too"

"Uncle Draco!" He smiles as a familiar voice yells out to him "hey sweet girl. I hear it's someone's birthday today!" She giggles "it's mine!" She hugs his neck "how about we go outside hmm? So we can sing happy birthday?" He looks at me and I nod my head. We both walk outside some people stop to look shocked that he's here "don't let them bother you cousin it will be okay." He nods and walks around with Mia. "What is Malfoy doing here?" I turn and tell Harry "not today Potter please." He nods and walks back over to Ginny. She's watching Draco too. "Why is he here?" Ron asks Harry. "Because Rae is Draco's cousin. She's Reggie's Daughter!." He nods and snears "if she's a black should she be with George? I mean she was death eater family?" The whole Weasley clan looks to him, He shuts up. Unfortunately I had heard and stayed a little bit a way from the potter and Weasley crew as much as I could. If they think about me like that what is going to happen when I tell them I'm expecting?

I stand beside Draco as we sing happy birthday and sit and hold my baby as we open presents. George watches Raleigh wondering why she wouldn't talk to any of his family anymore, everything seemed fine earlier until Draco arrived. George looks over at his brothers and notice one is giving his girlfriend the death glare. George walks over smacking him on his head figuring out why. Now he wants to know what his brother said for her to back away from the whole family.

After opening the presents Draco helped Raleigh move everything into the playroom. "Thank you Draco" he turns to his cousin watching her "are you going to tell him?" I shrug "after what I heard Ron say I don't know." Draco sighs "he called us a death eater family Draco you didn't want the mark and I don't even have one, I wasn't even here! Do you think I'm making the wrong decision being with George?" He shakes his head and wraps me in a hug "George loves you, he was the first person you told about you being a black.. you gave him an out and he never left. That man is in love with you and now with this." Putting his hand on my stomach "it will just make him love you more." I smile and hug him tight.

After everyone left George watches as his girlfriend and her cousin take the presents into the playroom, the kids are outside on the bounce house with Molly and Arthur watching them "what did you do?" He asks Ron. Ron turns confused "I did nothing!" George gives him a bored look "he brought up if you should be with her being a black, cousin to Malfoy and being death eater family." He looks at his brother "she's not a death eater nor is Draco. They never wanted this. If you sat down and listened to his story you would understand Ronald. I bet she over heard you talking and that's why she hasn't spoken to anyone since Draco's got here! It makes sense. You have to start liking her, she will be your sister in law one day." Ron nods "I'll make the effort."

While the Weasley family was inside Draco and I were outside. "Thank you for helping me dragon you didn't have to." He smiles "yes I did clearly George is ripping Ron a new one so why not help." He picks up another chair, folds it up and puts it on the wall. I was taking the rest of the party stuff off the tables when someone came up to me wrapping their arms around me from behind. "Hi beautiful.." he says kissing my cheek. "Hi handsome.." I tell him softly. I look over and see my baby girl having a blast on the jump house. "Please don't listen to my brother, I love you and I will always love you. I don't care what family you come from or anything. Gosh if you were a squib I would marry you." Draco scoffs and mutters "as if a black / malfoy would be a squib." I giggle at my cousin as he hasn't really let some things go. "Will you still be with me please?" I look at him confused "I am with you I just don't know if your family will allow it now that he brought it up." George rolls his eyes "Ginny almost strangled him when he said all of that earlier. Believe me when I tell you my love you are not going anywhere." He says as he kisses my lips.

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