"Screw writing "strong" women

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"Screw writing 'strong' women. Write interesting women. Write well-rounded women. Write complicated women. Write a women that kicks ass. Write a women who cowers in a corner. Write a women who's desperate for a husband. Write a women who doesn't need a man. Write women who cry, some who rant, women who are shy, women who don't take no shit, women who need validation, and women who don't care what anybody thinks.

THEY ARE ALL OK, and all those things can exist in the SAME WOMAN. Women shouldn't be valued because we are strong, or kick-ass, but because we are people. So don't focus on writing characters who are 'strong'.

Write characters who are people."

I love this quote so much :)

This is by Lori Summers and if you want theres an awesome gif set that goes along with the quote featuring Harry Potter characters or Disney characters.

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