A signiture

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Niles's mind was indecisive one part wanted to keep him safe and think this through but the other part just wanted to be known as something more than just a dragon just related to some dragon who helped save the world

Niles's mother is Sora making him oh great
Clays nephew whoop-de-doo that's cool and all but what did that make Nile? He was just known for something that wasn't him something he couldn't control he just wanted to be known by just being himself and not just the nephew of oh big and great Clay

Nile sat in a pool of his own emotions and thoughts underneath a tree watching his siblings and friends join the war supposedly it's going to be a cake walk the Sahara gang members called Shivs when talked about were brushed off as nothing more than a couple of lizards with sticks nothing more maybe they'd poke you with said sticks but that's about it

The weather didn't help either it was gloomy everything was just stuck in place nothing was moving the clouds didn't and the dragons around him didn't either they just complained and complained that the rain was ruining their mud and making it too runny or too soupy whatever they meant by soupy

Nile remembered what his mother said when he presented the idea to her "What if you get hurt?" And "It's too dangerous honey"
But what if all my sibs are going aren't we supposed to stick together?
As Nile continued to think about all the comments of "it's dangerous" and blah blah blah the part of Niles's brain that thought things through returned

Is this really the best way to make a name for yourself? The best way to make your mark in this world? By joining a war? That could kill you!
Wars kill dragons!

Nile couldn't imagine not being there for his family and friends they would be devastated a part of their life gone and the entirety of Nile's too

But do you know what it's like being no one? When people talk about you other's reactions are "Wait who?" Do you know what it's like to not be given the time of day or even a second thought by 99% of the dragon world?

It's infuriating it really is Niles gaze shifted back to the crowd of dragons all signing up including his siblings all of them
Except for him which would leave him with no siblings which is the entire point of a mudwing!

With Nile in deep thought, he didn't even notice his friends calling him over so they went to him
"Is he dead?" Cedar asked poking Nile in the shoulder
"No he's not dead" Mallard responded with a "use your brain" tone "he's just... actually what is he doing?" His friends looked at him wondering how he hasn't noticed them "What do you think he's thinking about?" Axolotl questioned poking Nile which caused his train of thought to be broken

Nile looked at his friend Cedar the funny trouble maker Mallard the glasses-wearing worry wort and Axolotl the one keeping the group together Nile looked around and figured out what happened pretty quickly

"I guess I zoned out," he said with a forced laugh before taking a moment to question why they were here "Are you guys enlisting too?"

Cedar and Mallard both nodded "Well it's mostly because we're going with our siblings but what about you? You're not old enough to enlist" said Axolotl

"You can enlist if you have a guardian sign some scroll if you want to join here" Mallard spoke handing him a scroll "I thought I would need one but they never asked for my age"

Nile took the scroll in his talons looking at it for a second
This is your chance to actually do something for yourself take it!

"So they didn't ask for your age?" Cedar snickered

"Are you calling me old?" Mallard asked waiting for a response
Cedar tried to get something out but just Burst out laughing
Mallard started to run after Cedar who took off laughing leaving Nile and Axolotl

"Well I better break those two up again see you later," Axolotl said before leaving Nile alone

If I'm going to do this I need a signature from a guardian Mom is out of the picture which leaves my siblings Alder, cypress, Tupelo, and Hickory I'll ask Alder since he's the oldest

Nile stood up with the scroll in hand and walked to his siblings none of them were expecting to see their baby brother so he caught them off guard
"Nile, what are you-"Alder cut himself off realizing why he was here "Are you sure? Are you really sure?"

I think so

"Yes" Nile responded "I'm sure," he said handing his older brother the scroll Alder looked at the scroll for a second before reluctantly grabbing the scroll

Alder was the oldest out of the siblings their big wings he was very similar in size to Clay but with darker scales and warm light tan eyes

He opened the scroll looking at the line where his signature would sit "Anyone got ink? Tupelo?' Alder asked his sister Tupelo was like Mallard they often hung out them being both scroll worms did cause a little teasing from Cedar but it was all in good intentions

Tupelo just like Mallard also wore glasses and Cedar would say that they wouldn't allow glasses so Mallard would have to wear goggles
"Here," said Tupelo handing Alder some ink where or why she had ink baffled Nile
"Here" Alder gave the scroll back to Nile "Just be safe okay?" Alder spoke

"I promise," Nile said to his older brother "To be fair I would expect Cypress to be freaking out over the fact I'm joining Hickory too"
Hickory and Cypress were both extremely protective of Nile anything he did Hickory and Cypress worked in a two-dragon duo making sure whatever Nile was about to do wouldn't break Nile or Nile wouldn't break it

"Just give them a minute I'm sure one will probably both will flip" joked Alder

"Haha very funny you two but Nile if this is something you really want to do were not going to stop you," Hickory said 

"Cypress? Can I ask you something?" Nile spoke getting her attention cypress turned with a smile to her baby brother "Of course what is it?" She asked nicely

Nile took a moment before speaking again he knew this was a bad time to bring it up but he just had to know "It's about Silt how's she recovering?" Asked Nile "I know this is a bad time but still going through war is tough"

Cypress thought for a moment "Well the last time I visited her she seemed to be getting better she was a lot less jumpy but at the pace, she's recovering she'll be great very soon"

That's good I just hope something like what happened to Silt doesn't happen to me I don't know what would happen if I lost all of my sibs like that she lost more sibs than I even have
12 whole dragons gone were both the youngest too

Nile looked around at his siblings he couldn't lose them not now not ever he wanted to protect them the same they had done raising him keeping him happy, fed, and safe so he prayed

Imperial, oracle, and perception the three moons please keep my siblings safe please have them all return safely

As both Nile's sibs and friends walked into the enlisting booth Nile thought to himself

This is where I finally get to prove myself

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