It All Begans

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The big city

Even though it's already late, it didn't show that the citizens aren't going to sleep soon. Busy as always

In front of a tall building, a pair can be seen entering it. Both of them a wearing nice black outfits. They just went straight to the elevator ignoring other people in the main lobby. The elevator opens and they immediately enter it before it closes itself. The lift slowly ascended to the 10th floor.

The couple just remains silent with both hands in their pocket. When the lift opened, two guards that are guarding the elevator were immediately knocked out by them before their bodies were hidden inside a store.

They walk down the hallway for a few moments before stumbling across four guards.

"Hey! No one is allowed on this floor!"

The guy wastes no time and immediately attack two guards in their neck while his partner kicks the other two guards in their balls. All of them pass out.

While they try to hide their bodies, a group of eight guards suddenly appear and pull out their pistol


Before the guards aim, the couple immediately takes cover while pulling out their pistols and opening fire. The firefight began between both sides. The guards are using non-silence pistols while a couple of pistols are equipped with a silencer.

After six of the guards are down and the couple is close to winning, a few more guards arrive and open fire. A shot from the guard manages to hit the guy right shoulder making his pistol fall from his hand. He immediately holds his wound with his left hand.

"Richard! Are you alright?!" his partner asks while firing back at the guards.

"Don't worry. Still far from dead. Damnit that hurts a lot"

"I can treat your wound but we need to retreat for now"

"Do it Miria"

Miria then throws a flashbang and a second after the flash, she throws a smoke bomb and immediately bought Richard while firing randomly at the guards.

After the smoke had cleared, the guards stay froze at their position for some moment before one of them said

"Two of you advance. Check if they are still there"

Two guards then slowly approach the couple's position but came across a nasty surprise.


One of them accidentally hit a trip wire detonating a trap that was set by Miria. Both of them turn into corpses.
One of the guards pull out his walkie-talkie and said

"Hello, zero this is five copies?"

[Zero copy. Continue five]

"A couple had illegally entered the 10th floor and a firefight had just ended between us"

[The result?]

"10 were killed, 4 knocked out and 3 wounded. They manage to escape"


"Zero? You still there?"

[Five. You are ordered to sweep the whole floor. All of the exits are already locked since your firefight starts. Reinforcement is on its way]

"Five copies. Over and out"

"What is the order?"

"Sweep the whole floor! Reinforcement is incoming!"


The guards immediately spread out through the whole floor to search for the couple.

In one of the rooms that some of the guards had just passed by, Miria is peeking through the door before letting out a relieved sigh. She then approaches Richard that is hiding behind some boxes.

"The coast is clear for the moment. Let me treat your wound"

Miria then took off Richard's suit to have a better look at the wound. After some inspecting, she wraps the wound using a bandage and asks

"Are you good Richard?"

"I can't feel my right shoulder. Urgh..... How much blood did I lose?"

"You are in a pool of blood right now. Should we continue the mission, Richard?"

The blond hair man immediately gave a sharp gaze to his blue hair partner and said

"The mission must be completed whatever the cost!"

"But, you can't even move your right hand!"

"I have another hand that can shoot!"

"You can't even stand properly! Far more than walking or running!"

"Stop trying to stop me Miria! I don't care about any of those right now! You can support me right?"

"But your condition......"

"Please Miria. This is the only way I can get my father's trust after years of training"

Miria just let out a sigh. She knows that Richard wanted to get his father's trust by completing this mission but his condition makes she thinks is it worth taking the risk? She looks towards her partner's eyes before holding out her hand towards him.

"C'mon Richard. Let me help you get up"

Richard let out a smile and take his partner's hand. Miria then pulls him out and Richard tries to balance himself when standing.

"You know what Richard? Because you can't stand properly, get on my back"


"I said get on my back"

"You are going to piggyback me?!"

"You are going to have a hard time walking around so how about I just carry you around?"

"But Miria......."

"Get on my back or we abandon the mission"

"Fine. For the sake of the mission"

Miria then lowers her body allowing Richard to get on her back. Once he is on her back, she then stands up and her over Richard's pistol to him.

"You shoot, I walk around"

"Very well"

Miria then walks out of the room towards their objective as fast as possible. Sometimes they stumble across some guards but Richard just shoots them. He didn't give them any chance to resist. After loading his pistol with another magazine with Miria's help, they continue until they reach an iron vault.

"Can you hack it, Richard?"

"Give me some time"

Miria then put Richard in front of the security passcode before plugging his phone into the system and handing it to Richard. Miria then holds her pistol in her right hand while Richard's pistol in the other hand before facing towards their back.

When Richard is hacking the security systems, suddenly the alarm went off.

"What the hell Richard?! What had you done?!"

"I don't know! Buy me more time!"

Miria just sighted and aimed both pistols. A few of the guards arrived and were quickly finished by Miria. More guards arrived and the firefight become more intense before Miria emerge victorious.

"Richard! Have you done?"

She then looks towards Richard but can't believe her eyes. Richard's body is full of bullets and blood is coming out at a rapid pace.


She immediately gets towards Richard and checks his condition before noticing something.

"No......No no no no no NO! RICHARD!!!! WAKE UP!"

She then shakes his body for a while before coming to her sense back. She had to accept that Richard had gone!
Miria then sits on top of Richard's body before hugging him. She stays frozen at her partner's body before some guards arrive.

Miria opened fire using only her pistol killing several of them before a bullet struck her left chest. Miria is stunt when the bullet hits her. She then tightens her hug before her vision went dark.

Because Of Trust! (Rimuru X OC) A Tensura FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now