Day Off

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OC: Lillian Nox Fleuret is the third princess of Tenebrae and the youngest sister of Ravus and Lunafreya. She is an Oracle. Following the attack on the Fenestala Manor, King Regis rescues Noctis and Lillian and takes them back to Insomnia. She and Noctis grew up together in the citadel, before moving to the apartment in their first year of high school. Their friendship blossomed into love over the years, and after realizing their feelings for each other they began dating.

This takes place two years before the game. Both Lillian and Noctis are 18.


M.E. July, 754.

"Noct... Noct! Get up. We need to clean your room before Ignis comes," Lillian announced after knocking on the still-sleeping prince's door and inviting herself.

Noctis groaned and snuggled deeper in his blanket. He mumbled a few incoherent words then the room fell into silence again. Lillian sighed and refrained from jumping on him and dragging him out of bed, "Wake up. It's afternoon, Your Highness," she tried not to trip on the piles of clothes thrown on the ground and went to open the window.

A hand got out of the covers and patted blindly around it. Once he found his phone, he switched it on. Lillian sat on the bed and looked around her. The prince opened one eye, read "13:56," and then put his phone next to his pillow. He sat up after removing the blanket from his face, "'morning, sleepy-head," Lillian chuckled at his bed hair. She let her fingers tangle in his messy locks and started fixing them. He grunted a greeting and leaned closer to her as she gently combed his hair. It was a habit that he loved. Moments like these made him forget all about his responsibilities and bask in her calming scent.

"I told you to sleep early... Have you completed watching season two yet?" He had told her that he had started the second season, and they made a bet whether he could finish it in a single day.

Eight episodes. Each episode is an hour long. It was safe to say that he had won the bet.

With his eyes still closed, Noctis grinned. "Yup. All of it. Slept at four am... I feel like shit, but it's worth it," he finished with a yawn. His voice is still deep with sleep.

The Oracle shook her head at the prince. He can be silly sometimes. "Don't do that again, please. You look lifeless," she removed her hand from his hair, and he pouted in protest, "Now get your ass up. Ignis is coming at five, and we still need to clean your room."

"Right," he sighed, then smiled, "can I get a 'good morning' kiss?" He tugged at her sleeve, his other hand reaching for her face, cupping her cheek.

Lillian chuckled, then planted a soft kiss on his forehead, making his heart flutter. He sighed happily. Truly, nothing made him happier than these peaceful moments with his princess. He watched silently as she gave him a small smile before getting up from his bed.

"Your breakfast is on the dining table. I'll go get the cleaning supplies that we need." She tied her hair up so it won't bother her during the cleaning. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Noctis finally getting up, running his hand through his hair, and stretching. She left Noctis' room and went to the kitchen when she realized her first mission of the day, waking him up, was complete.

Looking through the cabinets, she gathered several plastic bags for all the trash laying on his bedroom floor. Just as she pulled out a cleaning detergent, Noctis entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as he sat on the dining table's chair. "Thanks for the food, Lilly," he said with a smile, before eating the pancakes.

"Hm? Oh! No problem, Noct," She said dismissively, waving her hand. With the supplies in her hold, she went to start the cleaning.

"I'll be right there once I'm finished," he called over his shoulder.

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