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The shrill voice of Karen pierces through the library. Emily's mom, Karen, is standing at the door, a bit taken aback seeing Trellis's hands in Emily's. The two quickly pull away, not wanting to create any drama. Karen coughs and smiles ear to ear at Emily, "Em, you have a visitor!" Emily shakes her head, clearly not believing, "Sorry, what? A visitor?!" 

"Yeah, do you remember Caroline?" 

Then a short brunette girl walks into the scene right beside Karen. She looks lost and shy. Emily's face seems to light up the second she sees her. 

Emily's POV:

"Carol? Is that YOU?!" I go straight up to her and give her a bear hug. She holds back for a second before hugging back. "Hey Em," I hear her say. Then I turn to mom, frozen, "Mom? How is she--" "Look Emily, I know what you're thinking, but let me explain... Caroline and her mom had moved to Silas's place a few days ago and found the portal. Caroline went straight for it and came across the gondoa mountain. She refuses to tell me many details but she asked some locals about us and thanks to your fame, she got here and recognized me right away, aren't you a clever clogs Caz?" Mom then side-hugs Carol and she smiles shyly.

I look at Trellis who seems to be a bit awkward and says, "Um, I'll let the family bond... Just let me know if you need anything." He stalks out of the room with mom glaring at him, does she think something is going on between us? Or maybe she doesn't trust him even after all these years. Either way, I just don't like it when she judges and mistrusts him like that. Vigo pats me on the shoulder from behind, "Don't ya worry Karen, Trell and Em are both too short-tempered for their good and I know 'em. Relax." Oh wow. Seems like he saw that glare too. Caroline raises her eyebrows at me questioningly and I just sigh, "No Carol. You know I'm not interested in that stuff." She chuckles and mom takes us out for lunch.

Pri (Author): HEY EVERYONE!! This is only a small chapter or an introduction to the new character but anyways I'm working on new ideas and chapters and storylines (which are CRAZY) and just narrowing them down, busy with school and stuff recently (finals) but I have will do try to update as much as I can. Stay peaceful and mentally stable everyone!(unlike me) 

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