"Sleepy Angel From the Stars" (Oneshot)

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Note : Forgive my ass, i'm trying to cope with my shitty ass life
Pronouns :
> Metronette : He/Him
> Celesting : She/Her
> Mistlebud : They/Them

3rd Person Perspective

"Never thought i'd end up here... what a weird place. All the trees and snow" Metronette mumbled, he soon found a pathway and decided to follow it. Along the way he met a mistletoe-looking creature. "Hello! I've never seen someone like you before, what's your name? How did you get here? By the way, my name is Mistlebud! But you can call me Mistbud for short! Anywho, what are you doing here?" Mistlebud talks very fast so it's not surprising that they can throw out large amount of words in a short time. "Could you repeat that? And slow down please? I couldn't catch it" he responded. "Oh my, i'm sorry! I'm just really excited to meet someone new, well let's start off with your name, what's your name?" They asked. "Metronette, the invader of drea-" his reply then got cut off by Mistlebud "Yea yea i get it, Metronette! No need to be so descriptive" They replied. "Have you ever heard of respect?" Metronette responded angrily. "Well uh, sorry, geez..." Mistlebud said while giving a dissapointed look. "Well... where were you from?" They added. "I originally invaded someone's nightmare, and then a trainer managed to get me out of the dream and now i'm here..." he replied. "I see... what are you doing here then?" The curious little Mistlebud asked. "No idea... i was planning to follow this pathway, hoping it'll lead somewhere" the Puppet-looking creature replied. "Well then, you better get going! Jolly Village is up ahead!" "a what village?" Before Metronette even got an answer, the Mistlebud went back hiding in the bushes. "Very helpful buddy" He said sarcastically.

Metronette moved back on the pathway until, he heard some noises. "It sounded like... steps... and it sounds like something's running towards this direction!" He stated. He immedietly ran to the closest bush he can hide in, he managed to find one and decided to peek out of the bush to find out on who are making those noises. It turns out that a group of humans were the ones making those noises, they were hunting for their collection. "Oh those humans again... they're always collecting us like we're objects" he sighed. Metronette decided to rest for a bit on the snow, it was cold but atleast it was soft, better than sleeping on dirt. Some time passed and it's quiet now, no sounds of anything. The humans are all gone, it's night time afterall, they probably went to bed. Metronette continued to follow the dirt path and and stumble upon a village, a small one, with a huge Christmas tree right in the middle. Metronette saw a human putting a star on the tree, it was a Jolly star! According to a myth, if you put a Jolly star on a tree, a special Loomian will appear. The human was desperately waiting for that special Loomian to appear but, there were no signs of it's appearance. Minutes passed by, and the human gave up and went back inside their house to rest. Seeing that the human went to sleep, Metronette uses it as a chance, he noticed that the star was off-sided, so he decided to fix it. Not long after that, a certain star from the sky intertwinted with the Jolly star on the tree.

A bright light shined towards the bell of the Village. Soon after, a small bell-like Loomian formed itself and made an appereance, the myth was real afterall. It introduces itself as Celesting. Metronette was stunned by her appearance. "Now... who might you be?" She asked. "Metronette, the invader of dreams... or should i say nightmares..." he replied. "That's quite odd, what are you doing here? You don't seem to belong in Jolly Village" she asked once more. "I don't know why i'm here, i'm lost and i can't find my way back" he responded. Celesting looked worried yet scared, Metronette seems to be a dangerous Loomian afterall. With his dark appearance, Celesting immedietly knew that he doesn't belong here. "Hey, why don't i show you around to make you feel better?" She suggested. "Sounds good" Celesting giggled and said "But first, let's change that outfit, that way the creatures here won't get too intimidated by you" "What's wrong with my look?" He asked. "Well... the creatures in this Village are bright and cheery. We are Christmas-themed afterall!" She explained. "Oh, i see..." "well let's get to work!" Celesting immedietly measured Metronette's size using her ribbon, she marked the lengths on her ribbon. After some measuring, she tried to think of a design that fits him, while still have a little Christmas spirit ontop of it.

"Are you done yet?" "No... give me some more time" and with that Metronette decided to look at the tree for a bit while Giving Celesting some time to think. "The ornaments on this tree looks... odd" he said. He's not entirely wrong, the ornaments on the tree looks like the Scorbs from Polut Campus. Metronette glanced back at Celesting, and he started to feel weird all of a sudden. His mind is completely empty other than the thoughts of Celesting on his mind. "Could this be... no... i need to be more serious" he whispered to himself. "Hey Metro! You can come back now, i'm finished!" Celesting shouted. "Alright, i can hear you, no need to be so loud" he acknowledged. Metronette went up to Celesting, but to his surprise, she forced him down. "Stay still and let me work my magic..." She muttered against him. Hearing her words, a soft red tone is now visible on Metronette's face, right behind his mask. All of a sudden, a raging pile of snow sorrounds Metronette, he was terrified. The gentle Celesting advised him to trust the process and stay calm during the whole process. Metronette was getting dizzy, Celesting is trying her best to accomplish the magic. After awhile, the snow breaks into particles and falls down slowly, hinting that the process went well. And it did, she succeded. A fancy nutcracker-themed outfit replaced Metronette's old outfit.

"Great job, this looks amazing!" "..." "Celeste?" "I'm glad you liked it... yawn" The magic must've drained her energy. "You seem tired, Celeste" Metronette acknowledges her voice tone being lower than before. "Come here Celeste, why don't you rest for a bit?" "No... i promised to show you around here... and i'm not tired... trust me" She mumbled. "No need to hide it, and you can show me around the Village some other time. But right now, you need to rest" Metronette insisted. "No-" Celesting was cut off by Metronette grabbing her gently and letting her rest on him. "Maybe you're right... hope you don't mind me..." "don't worry, take your time..." Celesting then quickly shut her eyes, Celesting managed to whisper a thank you message for Metronette before doing so. After she fell asleep, Metronette was just sitting there admiring her. Her small size makes it easier for him to focus on her.

"Hmm... i should accept the fact this is how i actually feel for her..." - M

Words : 1188
Writer : Fei/Mise
Date of Publish : Monday, January 23rd 2023
!Feel free to correct and warn me about any mistakes!

(Ignore this) Celesting x Metronette stuff to copeWhere stories live. Discover now