George-So fucked

Lunes-Harry please be kind

You-I'll try. You're so far up your own ass Malfoy you're wearing it as a fucking hat 24/7


You-I suggest you stay as far the hell away from me right now, or I'll go absolutely berserk on your ass.


Susan Bones-That's amazing

Malfoy-Piss off Potter

You-Take a hike Malfoy

Malfoy-I'll tell my father about this

You-That's a pity.

Malfoy-Filthy Half-Blood

Ron-Holy shit Harry

Gin-Yeah show his ass Har

Theo😘-That was actually kinda impressive

Neville-Way to go Harry

Trace-Well that was amazing

Blaise-Go to sleep fuckers it's midnight

You-Love you too


Me after what Harry did in the groupchat

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Me after what Harry did in the groupchat

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TraceDavis-I think that was everyone

Blaiseit-Me after he want off on Draco

DaphGreen-Me after he spewed all that information about Salem that not even Theo or Hermione knew

MioneGranger-Me after he handled that so well
HarryJay-Thanks Mia

AlexanderNott-This isn't a joke Theodore, we have to look good for father. And you should not be posting stuff like this
HarryJay-Shut the FUCK UP
TraceDavis-Say it a little louder I Don't think the people in Asia heard you

SlytherinPrince-Why is the Mudblood and Potter in your comments
TheoNott-I mean we are talking about Harry and Hermione is his Friend so...


When are the people from Salem getting here?

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When are the people from Salem getting here?

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HarryJay-After Christmas Break

Actuallythebettertwin-I believe that is my photo
Thebettertwin-It is not

MioneGranger-After Christmas break

Dragonguy-What is Salem?
Ronniekins-A school in America who is going to be coming to Hogwarts to stay and learn with us
Dragonguy-That's pretty cool

FleurDelacour-I've heard of Salem, quite hard to get into. You have to take an exam just to meet the standards to get in.
MioneGranger-That's a challenge I'm willing to take on
FleurDelacour-we should be quite proud of Hermione then

HarryJay-Sir thats a statue.
TheoNott-I must ask you to please leave the premises.
HarryJay-Or you shall be detained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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