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"What do I do?" Ben walks around as his apartment as I'm holding his infant daughter-Emma-in my arms. See the mother-Angela-she left Emma on Ben's doorstep earlier today and now Ben is worried about what to do. He has the adoption papers, but he doesn't know if having someone adopt his child is the best move.

"If it makes you feel better bro" I put my hand on his shoulder "I'm going through the same thing as you"

He looks confused "you also have a secret daughter?"

"Not quite" see about eight months back I had a one night stand, apparently she was taking this tea that messed with her birth control and the condom broke but she didn't tell me since we were using one of those vaginal condoms since I didn't have protection on me and she did. Well that condom broke and now she's pregnant with my babies...twins. One of each "see some time ago I accidentally got someone pregnant" everyone stares at me "and I'm keeping the babies"

"Babies?" Tucker asks "as in plural"

"Yeah" rubbing the back of my neck "I only recently found out, I don't even know how to tell mom yet"

"Are you planning on keeping the babies?" Riley asks "or"

"I'm planning on keeping them" nodding my head "the mother doesn't want to, she even signed over the custody papers to me-now I have to figure out what to tell mom" looking at Ben "I don't know about you man, but...I'm really excited and terrified about becoming a father"

"Dude" Ben shakes his head "I had no idea" he's silent "but I'm going to sign the papers" yeah good call, Ben is not responsible. I mean mom still buys his pants, unlike Danny or myself-Ben goes from one job to the next. Danny he's a professional hockey player, he's now living with Ben and his buddy Tucker while I live in another apartment building by myself since I have this successful dropshipping business where I sell sex toys.

We hear a knock on the door and Ben goes to answer it "if I do this, unlike Ryker we never speak of this again. Okay?"

We nod our heads as Ben opens the door to mom "Where is my precious little grand baby?"

She runs in as Ben exclaims annoyed "mom, what are you doing here?"

"I'm a grandma" she whoops as Ben closes the door.

"Hi mom" Danny waves his hand

"Ah" she waves her hand to him as she sees Emma.

"What is she doing here?" Ben demands "did you tell her?"

"I didn't even tell her I was here" Danny says

Mom turns to mom pointing in anger "oh I'll get to you" Danny walks back in fear cause our mom can be scary when she wants to be-turning to me "hi" she takes her from me "oh, she's just a big old pile of love"

"Yeah" Tucker shakes his head as mom rocks Emma in her arms "I don't think that's love your smelling"

"Okay, who wants to explain to me that why I had to hear that I was a grandma" mom demands as she walks around giving us her mom look "while I was getting my nails done? That Jennifer Perrin couldn't wait to let me have it, ever since that fat pants daughter of hers got into law school" we look over to Riley when Ben moved to show she's here, Riley just looks uncomfortable "she's just-hi Riley. I didn't see you there, your so thin now you should wear a bell" mom then ses something that gravely disappointed her "oh, is this duck tape?"

We look at Tucker who is all nervous "we were having a closure issue" really?

"Oh, what, you couldn't find a stapler?" Mom sarcastically asks "honestly"

"I can't sign those papers now" Ben says to us as mom sits down "it's not going to happen"

"Hey, don't worry about mom" Danny says to him "I'm sure when Ryker tells her his news, mom will forget about Emma. We've got your back"

"Really?" I ask they look at me "mom is many things but she isn't that stupid"

"What papers?" Mom demands "and what news does Ryker need to share with me?"

"Your on own" Danny holds his hands up in fear "bro" walking away.

Ben sighs going over to mom "mom...I have some news"

"Yeah, you knocked up some girl" mom restates all condescending "because you couldn't figure out the basics of birth control" waving her finger to motion time skip "we're way past that honey, okay?"

Tucker goes over as Ben sighs "Mrs. Wheeler?" he says all happily trying to appeal to moms good side as she's playing with Emma "Bonnie"

That has her look at him annoyed "Really?"

"Mrs. Wheeler" he says all amusement gone "Emma's mom wants to put Emma up for adoption and for Ben to sign away his rights"

Mom stares at Ben "Really?" Ben nods his head "so you're thinking about giving up this little girl?"

"Yeah" Ben nods his head again "I was thinking about this"

Mom is all happy then "oh good" she sighs before laughing and standing up confusing Ben having him feel offended.

"Good-what do you" Ben demands "mean, good?"

"Oh, Ben" mom has her motherly voice on "honey. You can't begin to understand the kind of sacrifice it takes to be a parent. When I married your father and I had you three" motioning to us before placing her hand on her chest "I had to put my dreams on hold"

"What dreams were those?" I ask

"Being single and childless" she says in anger, well damn. Kind of kicks you right in the spine when she says that "Ben..." she continues going back to her mothering voice "honey, I love you but you can't raise this little girl. You haven't even finished raising yourself, you can't cook" she starts to listen reasons why Ben can't do this "you're Barry paying your bills...honey" waving to his pants "I still buy your pants. This baby needs a grown-up, you gotta sign those papers" I put my hand on Ben's shoulder rubbing it, he looks at me pulling away. He didn't expect mom to say that, it's clear as day. "Now" mom demands looking at me "what news do you have?"

"Mom" sighing as I walk closer "I have some equally big news"

She stares at me "What is it?" She sarcastically asks "Ddi you also knock up some girl?" I'm silent and her eyes widen "Whaaaat!" Riley takes the baby when she gets scared "My god" mom looks up to the ceiling "where did I go wrong?" We give her looks as she starts to pray "I tried to do things right, I did but how is this possible? Both of my boys are becoming fathers and I'm not even sixty yet, I'm too young to be a grandmother to two children. One maybe sure but"

"Mom!" Danny exclaims cutting mom's prayer to god.

"Oh right" waving her hand, mom looks at me "Ryker, honey...are you going to keep your..." mom starts to cry "baby, oh god!" She sits down.

"Mom" she looks at me "their twins" her eyes widen "and I'm planning on keeping them, the mother-Karen-she doesn't want the babies so she already signed her custody rights to me. I only found out a week ago...she's about eight months pregnant. We did a DNA test too"

Mom stares at me wide eyed "Whaaaaaaat!" She stands up placing her hands on her hips and points to the couch ordering me to sit down "you young man are going to tell me everything right now!"

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