🌧Purple x Shy reader Part 4🌧

Start from the beginning

"Guhhh, where are these creeps." "Calm your self Cove, they'll turn up eventually." "I just hope that girl was right." "She was scared and distraught, not crazy." "Exactly! Distraught! How do we know she wasn't lying?" "Listen we've been over this, the girl said these monster's took a liking to Y/N, so that means they could still be alive." "I hope so, 'cause if not I'm blowing out some monster brains!" Cove lifts up his weapon. "Put that down!" Finley hisses. "Look an open door!" Cove points to Red office, they both enter. "When look what the cat draged in~" Finley says. "Someone's trying to escape?~" "FIN LOOK! It's Y/N!! They're alive!!" "Well then, lets show those freaks not to mess with us again."

"Wait where are we heading again?? I'm sorry my head still hurts really bad.." "We're leave through the back door, Red says in maybe a week we can return." "I'm so sorry.. Maybe I should just go to them.. Then they would leave you guys alone." "Not a chance. They seem crazy, I'm not letting you anywhere near them." We keep walking, I'm not sure how far away this 'backdoor' is but we're in a part of the facility I've never seen before. And I've seen behind the scenes things. Nothing scary, just like the nice restrooms and stuff. "How far away are weee? They catch us at this rate!" "Orange calm down we're not that far." Then I hear movement behind us. Red drags us into a near bye room and gives us the 'shush' finger. Red is pecking through the door and I do as well. Then Cove passes bye. I nearly gasp but cover my mouth. "Finnnnnn are you sure this us the right wayyyyy?" "Yes Cove, shut up." "Fine, I didn't want to talk anyway, but you said they were around here!" "This is a camera dead zone and it continue's for awhile longer lets go." "Fi-.." And his voice trails off. "Damnit Blue did you forget to shut the door behind you?!" "Uh Maybe! I'm not sure! Sorry.." Red takes a deep breath. "It's fine.. It's just the hallways aren't safe anymore." "Well what now?" Green asks. "We could try the vents! They might be a tight fix for a little bit but they get bigger eventually!" I suggest. "Hm, That could work; but I don't know my way around in the vents." "I do.. I should be able to get us out." Purple says. "Alright then, lets go." Thankfully Green's feet don't squeak when he crawls, and Blue was able to stay quite. I was a few feet behind the rest of them and this time there was no talking. Echoing through the vents was the muffled sound of Cove and Finley, other then the sound of us crawling.

"Hey Fin..?" "Yeah?" "What happens if they found out we were coming and they..." It was silent for a moment "And they?" Another silent pause. This guy. "Well?" I say annoyed. "What if they killed her?" So paranoid.. "She was alive on the cam's. Remember?" "Mhm" "And if the do, well lets just say hell will have some new arrivals." "Yeah!" Cove says a little more happy. "Plus heaven would have gained another angel.." And now back to the sad. Sigh. "Wait." I put my hand up stoping Cove. "Do you hear that?" Cove gives me a 'What' look. "Don't give me that look." "Whatever, no I don't hear anything. Are you actually going crazy?" "No, if anything it's you. Also it sounds like somethings in the vent." "It's probably just some fucking rats! They're all to big it fit in the vents, well almost the Orange one might fit." "Think about it, they should have left the dead zone by now, even we're showing up on the camera's." "So?" "Were would you go if you didn't want to be seen?" "The vents- OH!" Then cove shoots at the vent above us. "COME ON OUT LITTLE RATS~"

I hear a something get shot up into the vent, and the boy's fall out. I scoot back against the wall of the vent and cover my mouth to keep from screaming. "Well look what we have here~" "WHERE IS Y/N?" "Cove calm your self." "But they were with them!"
"Oh yeah, well you heard the man where are they?" Finley points a gun at Green, none of them tell her where I am. Then Finley shoots Green's arm. He lets out his party horn noise in a painful tone. I squeak at the sudden loud noise, I should just show my self! Then this would be over! I would never get to see might never get to see them again, but I can't just let them die! "Maybe we should test this one!" Cove says point one of his guns at.. Purple. Oh no... No, No, No, NO! "Well how about it? Freak? "I would rather die than tell you anything." "AHA! SO YOU CAN TALK!" Finley exclaims. "Well if you say so!" Cove gets his gun ready to shoot, "NO!" I jump out of the vent making Cove miss and shoot the wall. "SHIT!-" "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM COVE!" I say tring to rip the gun out of his hand, but he stops me amd instead pulls me into a hug. "Y/N YOUR SAFE!! I THOUGHT THESE MONSTERS KILLED YOU!" "SHUT UP! AN GET OFF ME!" "Woah, calm down Y/N.. We saved you should be thanking us." What in the hell is she talking about?! "SAVED?! THANK?!! NO FUCKING WAY AM I THANKING YOU!" "What has gotten into you Y/N?" "I bet it was those monsters!!" "NO! DAMNIT COVE LET GO!" Cove only tightens his hold on me. "They must have brain washed you.. You poor soul.." Finley starts, what kinds of bullshit is she spilling? "Don't worry.. I cam fix that." She points her gun at Purple. "NO!!" I start crying "What's wrong? Your head has been messed up, let your friend Finley fix it for you.." "NO PLEASE DON'T!! I- I.." "You what dear?" Finley asks in a insane clam tone of voice.

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