CRIM. 1 : Introduction to Criminology

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CRIM. 1: Introduction to Criminology

According to Edwin H. Sutherland, "criminology is the entire body of knowledge regarding crime as a social
phenomenon. It includes within its scope the process of making of laws, of breaking of laws, and the society's reaction towards the breaking of laws."

A body of knowledge regarding crimes, criminals and the efforts of society to prevent and repress them.

The scientific study of the causes of crime in relation to man and society who sets and define rules and regulations for
himself and others to govern.

Other Definitions
Criminology explores the etiology (origin), extent, and nature of crime in society. It is concerned with identifying the
nature, extent, and cause of crime.

Criminology is an interdisciplinary science that gathers and analyzes data on various aspects of criminal, delinquent,
and general anti-social behavior.

It also refers to the scientific study of crimes, criminals, and victims. It also deals with the prevention, and solution of
crimes. (R.A. 11131)

SOCIOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY - the study of crime focused on the group of people and society as a whole. It is
primarily based on the examination of the relationship of demographic an d group variables to crime. Variables such
as socio-economic status, interpersonal relationships, age, race, gender, and cultural groups of people are probed in
relation to the environmental factors that are most conducive to criminal action, such as time, place, and circumstances
surrounding the crime.

R.A. 6506-"An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Philippines and for other purposes".

R.A. 11131- "An Act Regulating the Practice of Criminology Profession in the Philippines, and Appropriating Funds
therefor, repealing for the purpose R.A. 6506 otherwise known as "An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for
Criminologists in the Philippines".

Also known as "The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018"

R.A. 10912 - "An Act Mandating and Strengthening the Continuing Professional Development Program for All
Regulated Professions, Creating Continuing Professional Development Council, and Appropriating Funds Therefor, and
for Other Related Purposes"

Also known as "Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016".

Professional Criminologist Association of the Philippines (PCAP)
The legitimate organization of Criminologists recognized by the Professional Regulation Commission.

Philippine Educators Association for Criminology Education (PEACE)
Created on January 13-25, 1983; primarily its role is to professionalize criminology education in the context of national

Registered Criminologist

any person who is a graduate of the Degree of Criminology, who has passed the examination for criminologists and is
registered as such by the Board of Examiners of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). (R.A. 6506)

Refers to a natural person who holds a valid certificate of registration and an updated professional identification card
as criminologist issued by the Board and the Commission pursuant to R.A. 11131.

Origin of the word "Criminology"

Etymologically, the term criminology came from the Latin word "crimen" meaning crime and Greek word "Logos"
which means "to study".

In 1885, Rafael Garofalo, an Italian Law Professor coined the term "criminologia".

In 1889, Paul Topinard, French Anthropologist, used the term criminology in French "criminologie" for the first time.

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