Chapter 9

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When they arrived at the Council Chambers and the doors were opened, Master Yoda made his way to his seat and once there, Obi-Wan and Cecilia made their way to the center.

"Master Kenobi, you may take your seat—we have your report on the incident on Ninjawe 4. The remaining questions we have are for former Knight Quin," Master Windu spoke up, motioning to Obi-Wan's empty chair as he did.

Obi-Wan glanced to his chair, then back to Cecilia, then stood ever so slightly taller as he answered. "I wish to stand with Cecilia Quin, as a friend, ally, companion, and as a show of my support for her to the Council."

It took everything within Cecilia to keep her breathing steady and mask her feelings before the Council. She was sure they were probably analyzing her Force signature for signs of the Dark side. Thankfully, she felt no concerns in that regard. And it was a bold statement of Obi-Wan. That the man beside her was standing up so strongly and proudly with and for her was overwhelming.

Mace Windu steepled his hands for a moment, in thought, before nodding. "Very well." He then turned his attention back to you. "Thank you for joining us, Ms. Quinn. I wondered if we might ever see you standing before us again."

Cecilia gave a curt nod/bow towards Master Windu. "Thank you, Master Windu. I must say, it comes as quite a surprise to me to be here."

"Do not be nervous, young one. While we have many questions for you, we are not here to judge your act of leaving the Jedi Order. To take such action would be fruitless and pointless after so many years." Master Ki-Adi Mundi spoke with a gentle nod towards her.

Cecilia gave a polite nod towards Master Mundi. "Thank you, Master. If I may be so bold as to ask—why does the Council wish to see me?"

Windu spoke up again. He always was one of the more vocal of the council, and it seemed particularly on this occasion. "We have questions—both regarding your activities on Ninjawe 4 as well as to your activities since you left the Order."

"Clear we should be," Yoda spoke up. "Answer these questions of your own free will. Here on your choice you are. Leave when you wish, you may. Keep you here, we will not."

She took a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you, Masters. I—I am willing to answer your questions as best I can. I have no intention of being anything but honest and transparent as possible with you all." She paused and considered the people before her. Considered what they'd said so far. And remembered the words Obi-Wan had spoken to her on their way here. At that moment she felt a feeling of warmth and encouragement she knew was coming from him. She swallowed and continued. "I want to be sure you all know—no matter how my beliefs may differ about certain things that the Jedi choose to make a part of their Code—I respect each of you. Many of you helped train me and raise me in these halls. I am forever grateful for my time as a Jedi and in this Temple."

"We have been... kept apprised... of many of your—adventures, shall we say—since you left the Order," Windu spoke again.

Cecilia's eyebrow raised of it's own volition in her surprise and curiosity at the statement. So the Jedi had kept tabs on her?

Windu continued, "While your methods are... unconventional and sometimes perhaps... distasteful by some standards— your end goal seems to remain pure and of proper motivation."

"I suppose I'll take that as a compliment, then," she said, her smirk bleeding thru as she felt rather brave and just a tad bit confident at what she would consider high praise coming from Mace Windu in this circumstance.

"Ah, and there is the high-spirited Cecilia Quin I recall," Master Shaak Ti said, a small smile of her own."

"Moving away from the topic of your activities since your departure from the Order," Master Mundi stated, "We'd like to discuss in further detail your research and investigation into the slave trade ring on Ninjawe 4 ."

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