Chapter 5: im your star in the sky.

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3 days before Halloween, and me and Bloodmoon have grown really close. He told me that it was strange considering that Eclipse wanted to make him feel only Bloodlust. I call the more calm one Bloodmoon and the other one Bloodlust. It's my only way of telling the two apart besides the eyes color. I also found out who Moon and Sun actually are, they're trapped inside Eclipse and Lunar.

I was sleeping beside the river in monty golf. Which it the biggest mistake ever when you're friends with a mischievous red version of Moon. He picked me up and threw me in the river.

"Ah! Bloodmoon!" I woke up and said. "Now im all wet"

He simply giggled and helped me out.

"Sorry, i couldn't help myself" Bloodmoon said "plus, Bloodlust told me to do it"

"No need to call me out like that" Bloodlust said.

I couldn't help but feel like we're being watched by someone. Oh well. Ive also gathered enough courage so i could ask him something that ive been meaning to ask in a very long time.

I grabbed both of his hands and interlocked them with mine. I was blushing and he was confused.

"Bloodmoon, i know we've been friends for, not a long time but i know a close friend, close friend being you, who can answer this...." I said as i got closer to him.

"O-ok, what is it?" He asked

"Bloodmoon......I....." I said as i got even closer.

I pulled him into a hug, a really close, warm hug.

"Don't know what the fuzzy feeling i get when im around you is." i said, chuckling at my own embarrassment a bit

"Oh, i thought you were gonna ask something else" he said

"What other question would i ask?" I ask

"I dunno maybe- wait fuzzy feeling?" He said, finally realizing what i had just asked

"Yea, this warm, soft, fuzzy feeling i get that makes me happier when im around you"

Bloodmoon and i sat on a bench. We both looked at each other, the fuzzy feeling coming back.

"Well you're not alone there, cuz i dont understand the concept of love." He said

I knew what love is, i could teach him a little.

"Well love is something that's reserved for your closest friend who you like greater than a friend. As the bond grows, the love grows, and you'll have mini yous who can repeat the cycle" i said.

"But were animatronics, how do we multiply?" He asked

"Yea, and you're both guys" Bloodlust added.

Weird, it sounded like he was specifically asking me, and why did Bloodlust add that we're both guys? We are but why specifically me and him?

I sighed and basically gave them both the animatronic version of "the talk". It was not a pleasant experience seeing them both lose a hella lot of innocence. Well they shouldn't have said anything.

"I...." He said, blushing out of embarrassment.

"That's..." Bloodlust said, doing the same

"Its okay, i acted the same way" i said, putting a hand on his knee.

Bloodmoon blushed a little.

"I still don't understand..." He said

"Well i think you'll get it someday" i said, looking into his eyes

"Get what?" He asked, looking into mine.

"Love silly" i said.

I started thinking about how i was told love felt like, wait, i remember something. Freddy described love as a good,warm, fuzzy, soft feeling that makes you happy. A-am i in love with Bloodmoon? There's no way, ive only been friends with him for about two weeks.

"Well, what if we don't want a partner?" I was snapped out of my thoughts.

Ouch, i think i am in love because that hurt more than when he said were just friends. But things are going by too fast, we have to go slow.

"Who said anything about a partner?" I turned my body and looked at him. "Love comes in all shapes sizes and forms, darlin', self love being one of them."

He blushed as i called him that. I put my hand on the side of his faceplate, as he looked at me.

"Its tough to get at thats for certain but, its real nice to have once you have it, dontcha think?...."

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