[Wow! next... Cumin!]

[Well? Cumin? Unfortunately, there are no such exotic spices in our accommodation. Add red pepper powder!]

[like! Add honey too!]

[Honey is good!]

The two of them left a perfectly fine recipe and added additional ingredients with strong personalities as they felt.

The comments were full of confusion, bewilderment and laughter.


- throw away the honey

-Do you have any chicken stock? Guys!

-Yes, delivery has been going well lately.

- Comments are so fast that I'm dizzy hahahaha

And as expected by fans, the result was an oddly flavored chicken broth.

[Oh complete!]

[Now, let's taste... ... ]

[...] ... ]

[...] ... ]

The two of them tasted it excitedly, and their expressions were at a loss for words.

The comments were filled with people bursting out laughing.

The two of them smiled and nodded with faces unique to those who tasted ruined dishes.

And Big Sejin blocked it like a knife pretending to be heartbroken before the reaction of wasting food came out.

[Haha, we'll all eat the taste of this defeat, so please don't worry... ... .]

[Eating is fine.]

After checking the comments that dried up or laughed, Sejin Keun shrugged and started communicating again.

[Then, start with chicken delivery... ... ]

And at that moment, the members returned with the sound of the front door opening.



The moment Cha Yoo-jin ran out, Keun Se-jin made a gesture of placing her hand on her lips toward the camera.

Then, he quickly hid the pot and attempted to destroy the evidence.

Of course, there was no choice.

[What're you doing?]

[uh? haha! It's dub-app~ Greetings to Mungdae-do love viewers!]


Park Mun-dae stopped the questioning and bowed his face towards the screen.

[How has everyone been?]

In an instant, numerous greetings passed through the comments. Park Moon-dae smiled faintly and nodded her head.


[I am Moon University!]

[...] ... .]

It was an exquisite timing choice.

After copying his SNS habits, Park Moon-dae stared at Keun Se-jin, who burst out laughing, with cold eyes.

Several of the members who entered the kitchen hurriedly covered their mouths and lowered their heads, suppressing laughter.

'This bastard is real.'

Unlike Park Moon-dae's inner heart, the comments were all positive.

Looking at the chat window plastered with 'kkkkkkkkkk' and puppy emoticons, Moondae Park decided to endure it.

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