Too many big brothers - Severide!Sister

Start from the beginning

"Him? He's absolutely no one." You scoffed, shaking your head in denial. "We're just lab partners but that doesn't matter. He doesn't matter, trust me."

You were one hundred percent sure you weren't going to break under pressure but a single glance at Kelly's raised brow and you crumbled. "His name's Dylan."

"And does Dylan have no other friends?" Kelly asked, further prompting you to spill all the details despite knowing where this conversation was going.

You stuttered, unsure of what to say and how you were going to explain yourself. Even with your older brothers dating history, he cared very much about yours and refused to let any boy near you in fear of what would happen to you.

Luckily, this firehouse had been blessed with three amazing women who came to your rescue, saving you from the interrogation that was taking place. Grabbing onto your arms, you were pulled away and taken into the bunk room where you'd be safe for the time being.

Sighing in relief, you repeatedly thanked your saviours for their gracious act but as soon as the door was closed, the three woman sat you down on a bed and gathered around you with knowing smiles. You really couldn't escape this time.

"He wants to take me out to the movies tonight."

And the three practically screamed, muffling their volumes beneath their hands. They were elated that you were finally going out with a boy for the first time in your life. Not only that but being the only female figures in your life, they had the pleasure of helping you with everything.

"What time is he picking you up at?"

"I think he said six."

Oh how the glance they shared sent you so much nerves.


You tried your hardest to leave without anyone noticing you. Being as stealthy as possible, you slipped down the corridors without anyone noticing, the girls sending you big smiles and thumbs up for encouragement but as soon as you got onto the app flour, you were caught.

You could see Dylan standing on the pavement outside where you told him you two would meet but alas, nothing was as easy as you wished it was.

"Would you look at the time? Six already, wow." Cruz said aloud, his attention very obviously diverted from the card game being played. The girls obviously couldn't keep a secret, especially when it concerned you.

Internally, you groaned, cursing the women's horrible ability to keep a secret. From where you stood, Dylan could see you and waved but instead of you going towards him, you reluctantly gestured him to come into the firehouse.

Poor boy was clueless, walking into the firehouse being totally oblivious as to what was happening.

"Dylan, this is my older brother Kelly." You introduced your brother with a tight lipped smile.

Kelly's face was stern, standing in front of the boy very intimidatingly, his arms crossed as if to make a strict first impression. Clearly, he was successful because Dylan felt clammy, shrinking under his glare.

In that very short time frame, everyone gathered round and stood behind Kelly, looking all sorts of scary and intimidating. The message being sent was received very quickly by your lab partner.

"What are your plans with my sister Dylan?" Kelly plainly asked, the question being very straight forward and simple.

"We're um going to the movies, probably get something to eat and bring her straight back here sir." Dylan replied nervously, his eyes flickering to all the firefighters.

Kelly hummed, his eyes not breaking contact with Dylan's. The tension was thick and continued to rise which you hated but you had to let everyone get everything out before you left.

"Come ere." Kelly said, gesturing Dylan to come forward, shocking you. With his arm now around his shoulder, Dylan was brought towards the rest of your family and you understood what was happening.

"Alright kids, have fun." Kelly's demeanour suddenly flipped as he clapped Dylan on the back, pushing him towards you.

Dylan was shaking in fear, almost on the verge of running away had his plans for the rest of the evening not consisted of hanging out with you.

Every single member of your family happily bid you goodbye, wishing you a wonderful night but the second you turned around, they all glared at Dylan's back, burning holes into his head.

"I'm so sorry about them. They're all family and are just a tad bit protective over me."

"Yeah, I can see that."


To say you had a good night was an understatement. For your first date, it was pretty amazing and despite the minor hiccup earlier on, Dylan proved that he was worthwhile.

It was pitch black outside, the few lights coming from the firehouse and the street lamps lit up the street. Dylan and you were walking up the drive with your hand in his where it had been for a while now.

"Thank you." You said, a soft smile painting your glossy lips. "I'd love to do it again sometime."

"Give me a time and date, I'll be there." Dylan replied, reciprocating your smile. With your hand still in his, the vibe was clearly there but you weren't too sure if he caught onto it.

Very slowly, the two of you inched closer to each other but before anything could happen, you were interrupted by a throat clearing.

Somehow, you hadn't noticed the lieutenant and Captain smoking their cigars in their usual spots and for once, everyone remained inside, most likely getting some shut eye before the bells rung.

Kelly rose a brow, challenging Dylan to go any further and Matt was completely monotone but his captain jacket alone was scary enough.

Dylan nodded, reluctantly letting go of your hand but before you could walk away from him, he grabbed your wrist and pecked your cheek before quickly rushing off. Looking over his shoulder, he only looked at you. "See you at school tomorrow!"

Heat rushed up to your cheeks, not fully registering that he kissed you but your older brother and your older brother figure knew exactly what happened and they weren't too sure if they liked what they saw.

"You guys need to stop." You shook your head, failing to keep a straight face and smiling. You couldn't help yourself no matter how much you hated their overprotective behaviour.

"It's our job as your big brothers." Kelly said speaking for everyone as he squished up in his chair, gesturing for your to squeeze in like you used to as a kid which you did without question, resting your head on his shoulder.

"We won't be so easy on him next time."

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