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"Sompon don't scratch Sommai"

I grab and carried Sommai, separating the two not wanting them to hurt each other. I rubbed Sommai's white coat making her purr and Somsri come walking rubbing its body to my back.

I saw the light in the front door lighting up signaling that someone is by the door and I put Sommai down as I head downstairs, my eyebrow creasing as I don't remember someone coming by.

As I reach the end of the stairs the front door open and a large suitcase is being pushed in and Earth following in tow. I cross my hands together as I stare at him and when he finally acknowledge my presence he smiled sheepishly at me. I can see tiredness from his eyes and I rolled my eyes on him as I walk towards him as I open my arms

He went and dive into my embrace as he close our distance, his head lying on my shoulder as his arms are tightly wrap around my body. I feel him inhaling my scent making me smile a little.

"You didn't mention coming here right after you arrived."

He didn't utter anything instead tighten his hold on me as he buried himself event more on my embrace. We hugged for a while, we're both standing in the middle of the living room as he embrace me like we've been apart for years.

"I miss you." He mumbled making me smile and pat his back and he pulled away and a cup his cheeks as our eyes meet I couldn't help but lean forward landing a quick peck on his lips.

"I miss you too Erd." He gave me a small smile as he also lean forward and gave me a kiss too.

"I miss you more"

"You're sooo cheesy" I chuckled as I push him away making him pout.

As I manage to untangle his arms around my body I walk towards the couch and sat down, he followed suit as he plopped beside me laying his head on my shoulders.

"I'm so tired."

"Mhm did you eat?"

"Yeah while in the plane."

"Good. As much as I enjoy you being here go take a shower first and we'll talk more once you're done."

"Ugh okay" he begrudgingly stand up as he heads upstairs together with his luggage.

I opened the television and played some soft music and grab my phone as I scroll on social media. I put my phone down after a few minutes as I stood up and head towards my kitchen and grab some fruits and put it in a bowl then place it on a tray as I also grab some cups and soda.

Once I got everything I carried the tray and went back to the living room. I placed the fruit bowl and cups on the coffee table as I put the tray back in the kitchen. When I got back in the living room he was walking down the stairs and I chuckled as I see him wearing the hair band I made him wear once as a joke.

"You like that hair band now?"

"It's comfortable"

He said as he grab an apple and chew on it. I rolled my eyes on him as I sat down on the couch as I also grab some grapes. Earth sat beside me and pulled me in his lap. I stared at his face, he made me wrap my arms around his shoulder as his hand then went to my waist. I lean forward and let our forehead touch and the tip of our nose.

"I really miss you"

He said after a few minutes, and I chuckled at him as I lean forward and give him a quick kiss.

"Remind me to never travel without you again."

"Silly I have school so even if I wanted to I can't go."

"Last I heard online class is still a thing"

"But that's not all the time"

"Still I'm not leaving without you anymore."

"Please you seemed like you had fun."

"I did but I'll have even more fun if you were there."

"You're such a sap Erd."

"Oh, oh yeah I almost forgot wait let me get something from my bag."

He tapped my waist asking me to get off him, so I did and sat on the couch instead. I see him run upstairs, he's really being weird right now. After a few minutes he comes back and he smiled widely at me and I look at him confused.

"You're being so weird Erd"

"Here. I thought it would suit you when I saw it and I think you'll like it also."

My eyes widen as I see him handing out a small box from Gucci, he was still smiling at me weirdly. He was going to open it and show it for me but I stopped him as I grab my phone and open the camera.

I recorded him handing me the box and I took it and showed his gift as I keep on saying thank you, as I was opening it I ended the video, after a few taps I posted it immediately and put my phone down. I opened the pouch and see it was an earrings.

"Thank you Erd."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it, can I try it on?"

"It's yours so yes"

I took off my earrings and put on the one he just gave me and showed it to him, he was smiling proudly as he reach for my ear and stares at me.

"It suits you really well"

"Really? Thank you Erd"

"Your welcome"

"But you didn't have to, you just coming home safe is enough you know that right?"

"Mhm I know but as I said when I saw it I knew it would look good on you so I bought it."

I smiled at him as I reach forward and kiss him again. I can feel his hand going to my back pulling me even closer, I tilted my head as I pushed my tongue inside him and as his lips parted and our tongue meets and tangled as one I couldn't help moan in delight.

"Fuck. If I'm getting that kind of thank you I'll surely buy you more gifts."

He said as we both pulled away, I chuckled as I hit his shoulder. He laugh loudly as he pinched my cheeks.

"Even without gifts I can still give you those kind of thank you."

I wickedly whispered in his ears making him groan loudly. I pushed myself off him as I grab my phone and sat down on the other side of the couch. I check my reflection on the camera and I couldn't help but smile in satisfaction. My notification ringing constantly making me smile further more.

The end.

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