ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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It has been a few days since she met the man. Looking at the phone, she sighed. No message, no call. Seems like the man has forgotten her. But in its own way, it was better for her, no? In fact, she wasn't sure. A small bit of her hoped to live through the feeling of being loved and the other disagreed with those thoughts. 

Sighing once again, she leaned over to take a sip from her cup of tea when suddenly someone burst into her office. Looking up with an annoyed expression, she glared at the intruder. That quickly changed once she realized who it was.

"Lieutenant, is something wrong?" She asked, putting on a nice and calm tone. He quickly closed the door.

He composed himself as he looked over at her.

"Whatever I'm about to request from you now must stay only between us." He said seriously. Now this had her confused. SHe gave him a confused look but continued to listen to him talk.

"I'm going to my sister's later this afternoon. I don't want her to feel scared for me..."
He began talking as he hesitated a bit.

"I want you to accompany me as... fake partner." He finished as he looked over at her. He clearly didn't want it to go like this and surely didn't even want to drag her with him but what other choice did he have, well surely there were more choices but he just seemed to make this one.

Upon hearing his words the female was speechless. No words, no thoughts just blank. She wasn't sure how to feel, either flattered to be the woman of choice or different.

Finally, she managed to speak up as she took a deep breath.

"What's in it for me?" She asked as she looked over at him. If she was to do this, then get something out of it no?

"We'll negotiate on that later, just please do this for me, just today." He said, slight desperation audible in his voice. He put his hands on her desk. She sighed. As she took a sip from her tea.

"I suppose it's a deal then. But I do have few... boundaries to be said." She said as she put her cup of tea on top of the desk.

"No kissing, not even on the cheek, just no. No touching where you just in your right mind won't touch. So basically only platonic touching. Understood?" She asked looking him straight in the eye as she spoke.

"Understood." He answered as he pushed himself off of the desk, standing straight now. 

"I'll send you the details through messages later." He added before he turned around to leave.

"Wait-" Y/n spoke up but she was too late, now that the lieutenant has left.

"...I never gave you my number..." She finished as she sighed deeply.

Now that she came to think of it, it does seem bad having a deal with a guy about being his wife or something so his daughter can get into this prestige school and now she's making a deal with this... She'd rather be shut about that. Another sigh left her lips. 

She was overthinking it, she just couldn't help to feel this slight feeling of guilt. But why, the man hasn't even messaged her in days nor has he answered her messages. She did guess he probably just moved on from the deal, so why not her?

She took her cup of tea. She sipped it before placing it back down. She was now just simply watching the rainy weather behind her windows but found nothing interesting out there, she did find the rain calming though.

She leaned back into the chair as she relaxed a bit before her door burst out open which had her quickly straighten up. 

"I forgot, I don't have your number." The now-present lieutenant said as he seemed to be slightly breathless, probably from running or something.

She nodded as she took a small sticky note really quickly and scribbled down her phone number. She gave it to him.


She said. The only thing she got back was a quick nod before the slam of the door was heard signaling he has left. She was now once again left to her thoughts all alone.


A/n: Okay I'm genuinely so sorry for not writing for so long, it just so seemed I got author's block. But enough of that, I want to apologize, just today I noticed that I had my OC's name and so on included in the last chapter so it's now fixed. Or I at least hope so. Another thing is that I wanna thank you all a whole lot for the support! I appreciate it really, all the reads, stars, and even you all adding it to your reading lists. You may not know but it makes my day a lot better<3 

Remember you all are very much loved, and I'm really proud of you all.

Sincerely, your dear author Natalie

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