The Winning Bet - A Ryomeko Oneshot

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Yumeko Jabami and Ryota Suzui had been friends for a long time. They had met in high school and had quickly bonded over their shared love of gambling. They would often spend their free time playing games of chance and strategizing about how to win big.

One day, Yumeko suggested that they take their gambling to the next level. She suggested that they enter the high stakes gambling tournament at the Hyakkaou Private Academy, where the best gamblers in the world competed for immense sums of money.

Ryota was hesitant at first, he was a shy person and didn't like to put himself out there too much, but Yumeko's enthusiasm was contagious. He agreed to join her in the tournament, and they began preparing together. They spent every waking moment studying the games and practicing their strategies.

As the tournament began, Yumeko and Ryota found themselves in the same bracket. They were determined to beat each other and move on to the finals, but they also knew that they could not let their friendship get in the way of their ultimate goal.

The first round was intense, with both of them putting everything they had into the game. But in the end, it was Yumeko who emerged victorious. She had outplayed Ryota, but she could see the hope in his eyes.

The next round was even more intense, but this time it was Ryota who had won. He had learned from his mistakes and had come up with a new strategy that had caught Yumeko off guard.

In the end, it was Yumeko and Ryota who faced off in the final match. The stakes were high, and the tension was palpable. But despite the pressure, they both remained focused and determined to win.

As the final hand was dealt, Yumeko and Ryota locked eyes. They both knew that this was the moment that would decide everything. And in the end, it was Yumeko who emerged victorious.

Instead of feeling bitter, Ryota, being the type of person he is, was happy for his friend. He knew that she had worked hard and deserved to win. They hugged each other and laughed, knowing that their friendship was stronger than any game of chance. But as they hugged, Yumeko looked fondly into Ryota's eyes. She leaned in closer to Ryota and kissed him softly on the lips, taking him by surprise.

After the tournament, Yumeko and Ryota went back to their normal lives, but they would always remember the time they spent together at the Hyakkaou Private Academy, the bond they had formed through their shared love of gambling, and the love they had found in each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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